Well-Known Member
Check the unit grounds with an ohm meter to battery ground. Do not assume just because everything was clean and tight the ground is good and yes use star washers and bolts if needed for fasteners. If you do not have a good ground it may run but the ECU is going to overheat and melt gound and you do not want that Mopar setting stranded.
Take a voltmeter and go through your ignition wiring, check voltages and grounds. What is the voltage reading at coil positive in "run"? Should be less than 10V or the coil will eventually fail. ECU/coil should not be hot to the touch so soon unless its getting full 12V all the time. Run a ground strap from the ECU to the block.
Bad wiring is a recipe for getting stranded, or worse! I got stranded recently and consider myself lucky I didnt have an electrical fire.