I see many people struggling with this setup and even with it being partly documented on various forums, it’s not everything someone might need to solve the issue. I'll explain my situation and the outcome, hoping it helps others. I'll post a pic and a running video at the end. I have a Refreshed Junkyard LS3, I was building a motor for a tube chassis rock crawler that I have been building for a few years. My motor selection was based on parts I had lying around. Snipper EFI with prodash V1. So the ECU and ECM are going to be the Holley Snipper mated with the MSD LS 6014 Series controller, and like the thread stated all that these need to work is Tach Signal from the MSD to the Snipper, this is where I ran into the issue. The wiring between these two units is the Grey tach wire from the MSD to the Purple Dongle wire included with the Snipper that plugs into the twisted Green/Violet pair in the harness. I wired it as this and ran the Handheld wizard to setup the EFI and just dialed the MSD to the LS2-3-6-etc-HO position. I cranked it over and it fired up and died within a few seconds. The Handle Held on the Snipper was showing no Tach RPM and was in "Stall". double-checked the wiring etc. and all was good, called Holley and the tech must have been new because he couldn’t even find the Green/Violet twisted pair that is tagged Crank Sensor, he quickly connected me with MSD support that again provided zero help. The MSD tech said ship them the controller and they would check to see if it had a Tach Signal.... I asked well isn’t there another way of testing for tach? I said that I had read on a forum that if you put a multimeter in VAC mode and check the Grey wire from the MSD to the ground it will show voltage oscillating, the tech said no way that would work and I should just send it back and they would test it, I then asked couldn’t I just put a tach on that wire and check for signal, he then said well yes you can if you have a tach... So.. I took the easier path and grabbed my Multimeter and did the VAC setting and Grey to positive on the meter and black to ground and low and behold it oscillated around 5V, so it was actually providing a signal. Because the motor would run even just for a few moments, and I had confirmed the tach signal on the gray wire I concluded it wasn’t the MSD and had to be the Snipper. I went back to the Handheld, ran the wizard for the 10th time for my setup, and the making sure again I had selected CD as my ignition type. I saved it and power cycled the ECU and turned it over and still no Tach signal… At this point I went into the handheld system settings and discovered that its didn’t actually retain the settings that I set in the wizard starting with ignition type. The ignition type was still set to Coil-, I switched it back to CD saved it power cycled and went in again to check that it had saved the settings which it had, I turn the motor over and it not had tach signal and was showing RPM.
* Holley Snipper EFI Twisted Green/Violet with the single Violet or purple wire connects to the MSD 6014 Gray Wire.
* If you need to validate Tach on the MSD, the MM on VAC does work, connect the positive lead on the MM to the Gray wire from the MSD and the negative lead goes on the Chassis or Battery Ground.
* Lastly don’t trust the Handheld Wizard for your setup, I have discovered that since the release of the new firmware which might be more common to the Snipper V2 the wizard is broken, I have had this happen a second time now after performing the firmware upgrade.