That sucks, I can relate some &
I hope you finish it...
You'll never sell it for anything near what you have in it...
You'd be hard pressed to get 1/2 even...
sorry not meant to offend
I know you probably know that anyway...
I know It's little to no comfort too....
There are people out there that prey on these very circumstances
& will pounce on such builds, reap the benefits of the previous owners
expense or hardships in some cases...
"again sorry not meant to offend, brutal truth/facts honesty, is what you need right now"
I've built & owned 26 different racecars, all from the ground up now,
I've seen every aspect, good & bad at one point or other,
I fell for you too... Been there done that...
I wouldn't wish what your going thru on anyone...
Sometime you need to go thru this crap to learn too,
It's a lesson that will be bitter in your mind & mouth
for decades to come too....
here's my take;
Fabricators are an eccentric strange types sometimes
{much like artists, many times they're drunks, druggies, damaged & broken people, personal life in shambles
or just horrible business people, never able to commit on time, always an excuse, not that is what's happened,
but it is in many cases, seen it far too many times over the years, especially with customs & more so racecars},
getting them motivated is tough, sometimes especially more so,
if they been paid for most of the work so far or up-to date,
they lose interest/incentive/motivation...
Or when you didn't have a written contract or
a written in performance clause for completion too,
date expectation etc. & financial penalties for such too...
I was going to say something about "how slow the progress was",
but figured you knew already, it was probably a sore subject...
I've been down that road too, never again !!
Sorry to hear your going thru, what seemingly most people go thru
on these types of builds, it's like pulling teeth to get a good
earnest hardworking fabricators {or body & paint} people too,
to commit to a decent timeframe on a project & stick with it, to finish quickly,
even if you didn't change anything midstream...
I know of far many more peoples, utter nightmares than very many
great experiences, with either types, partially why I do all my own,
as much as possible...
I know that's little of no help or consolation ether...
Your car, what's actually been done,
it does look awesome !!
I wish you the best...