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My Covid Trip...

THis is so easy to blow apart....I'll show you:

More than 800,000 US citizens have died from Covid. FALSE. Anyone with common sense can see that those numbers are grossly inflated by grouping other ailments into the COVID classification. The VAST majority are those unvaccinated. MISLEADING, since there was approximately a year before a "vaccine" was available. Preaching vaccine fears and misinformation is costing lives. Continuing to promote a bullshit vaccine is no better. As well as prolonging the pandemic's economic and Healthcare crisis. The science and metrics are undeniable. Who's science? Yours or mine? My lady friend is a nurse. On the front lines. She has tested positive 4 times. The vaccine has kept her from getting sick. Positive 4 times......so the vaccine does not work. But the patients that she serves keeps re-infecting her. That means she cannot work until she is cleared. I can't see her until she is cleared. She has wheeled out dozens of dead from ICU. All were unvaccinated. Impossible. She is tired. And getting pissed off. My job? Is to spoil the hell out of her. If and when I can.

KD You have to remember people like this thought they were peaceful protests in MN... Got to love how the vaccine Prevents you from getting the virus.. Then they were getting it calling it "Break through" cases, Then hundreds of thousands of vaccinated got Covid then it was well "you can't spread it". Then not only could you get covid AND spread it they say you won't get as sick which we now know is a lie as the Vaccinated are dying and filling the hospitals at Record levels.
How can anyone be certain that those 800,000 all died from covid when there's been two years of non-stop contradiction and misinformation?

CDC Withdraws Use of PCR Test for COVID and Finally Admits the Test Can Not Differentiate Between the Flu and COVID Virus
The "Gateway Pundit?" Scanning the internet until one finds a blog that you hope is true is not research. Besides, if Covid kills one second faster? It's a Covid related death. That was their one second. Not any of ours. Or for
THis is so easy to blow apart....I'll show you:

More than 800,000 US citizens have died from Covid. FALSE. Anyone with common sense can see that those numbers are grossly inflated by grouping other ailments into the COVID classification. The VAST majority are those unvaccinated. MISLEADING, since there was approximately a year before a "vaccine" was available. Preaching vaccine fears and misinformation is costing lives. Continuing to promote a bullshit vaccine is no better. As well as prolonging the pandemic's economic and Healthcare crisis. The science and metrics are undeniable. Who's science? Yours or mine? My lady friend is a nurse. On the front lines. She has tested positive 4 times. The vaccine has kept her from getting sick. Positive 4 times......so the vaccine does not work. But the patients that she serves keeps re-infecting her. That means she cannot work until she is cleared. I can't see her until she is cleared. She has wheeled out dozens of dead from ICU. All were unvaccinated. Impossible. She is tired. And getting pissed off. My job? Is to spoil the hell out of her. If and when I can.
I will not understand how people on a performance car site can embrace science and engineering principles so well to practice auto building and maintenance. And yet ignore overwhelming scientific facts and data of other subject matters? Is it because the data makes you sad? Facts are facts. There is no such thing as alternative facts. C8H18 when mixed with an optimal air ratio of 14.7:1 compressed to approximately 120 lbs per square inch then ignited will cause detonation. The energy from that detonation converted to rotating mechanical work is what makes a car drive. That is the science of the internal combustion engine. But the science of vaccine technology is a bridge too far? By your expert opinion? The fact that the unvaccinated are 20+ times more likely to be die from a Covid infection. (And even a higher hospitalization rate. This is by a study published from Texes Dept of State Health Services. Not exactly a Blue only State.) is baseless?

This discussion is just too stupid to continue. Good luck. And I hope/pray that everyone comes out the other side of this setting well and healthy.


  • Cases and Deaths by Vaccination Status-11082021 (2).pdf
    557.2 KB · Views: 154
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I hope you are able to recover completely with no long term affects.
From someone who nearly died once, I can tell you that your life can change very quickly.
20+ times more likely to be die from a Covid infection

So, let's extrapolate on that. Pure numbers.

99.8% recovery rate, overall, ALL age groups and demographics. That is a 0.2% fatality rate.

20 x 0.02 = 0.4.

edit - driving home, I realized my math was off by a factor of ten.

2/10ths of one percent is .002

20 x .002 = 0.04

that means "at-risk, unvaccinated" people STILL have a 99.6% recovery rate.

4/10ths of one percent.

Less than half a percentage point.

Nope, sorry. Still not scared.

Because I understand MATH.

"20 times more likely" is STILL less than one percent.

20 times nearly-zero? Is still nearly-zero.

And, here's the CDC's own release about pulling the PCR test:


Reliable enough for you? Or do you have it on "ignore" because you don't like what it says?

As far as specifics go..."covid-related"? Isn't a "covid death". Learn some medical terminology. If I die in a car accident, but I'm covid positive, it will show up on the five lines on the death cert (cause of death, cotributing factors, attending conditions)...and it will be labeled a "covid death". I didn't die FROM covid, but I died WITH it - but the numbers (and the fear ****) will still show that "covid killed me". No matter who you are, that's a crock.
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The "Gateway Pundit?" Scanning the internet until one finds a blog that you hope is true is not research. Besides, if Covid kills one second faster? It's a Covid related death. That was their one second. Not any of ours. Or for

I will not understand how people on a performance car site can embrace science and engineering principles so well to practice auto building and maintenance. And yet ignore overwhelming scientific facts and data of other subject matters? Is it because the data makes you sad? Facts are facts. There is no such thing as alternative facts. C8H18 when mixed with an optimal air ratio of 14.7:1 compressed to approximately 120 lbs per square inch then ignited will cause detonation. The energy from that detonation converted to rotating mechanical work is what makes a car drive. That is the science of the internal combustion engine. But the science of vaccine technology is a bridge too far? By your expert opinion? The fact that the unvaccinated are 20+ times more likely to be die from a Covid infection. (And even a higher hospitalization rate. This is by a study published from Texes Dept of State Health Services. Not exactly a Blue only State.) is baseless?

This discussion is just too stupid to continue. Good luck. And I hope/pray that everyone comes out the other side of this setting well and healthy.

You don’t like the website, so you ignore what is quoted by the CDC. How CNN of you!
So, let's extrapolate on that. Pure numbers.

99.8% recovery rate, overall, ALL age groups and demographics. That is a 0.2% fatality rate.

20 x 0.02 = 0.4.

edit - driving home, I realized my math was off by a factor of ten.

2/10ths of one percent is .002

20 x .002 = 0.04

that means "at-risk, unvaccinated" people STILL have a 99.6% recovery rate.

4/10ths of one percent.

Less than half a percentage point.

Nope, sorry. Still not scared.

Because I understand MATH.

"20 times more likely" is STILL less than one percent.

20 times nearly-zero? Is still nearly-zero.

And, here's the CDC's own release about pulling the PCR test:


Reliable enough for you? Or do you have it on "ignore" because you don't like what it says?

As far as specifics go..."covid-related"? Isn't a "covid death". Learn some medical terminology. If I die in a car accident, but I'm covid positive, it will show up on the five lines on the death cert (cause of death, cotributing factors, attending conditions)...and it will be labeled a "covid death". I didn't die FROM covid, but I died WITH it - but the numbers (and the fear ****) will still show that "covid killed me". No matter who you are, that's a crock.
I'm quite good at mathematics as well.
But your fixation with COVID statistics certainly seems to be unsympathetic to roadrunnerh who had a pretty bad experience from the virus.
Your main interest here seems to be argument and not care or comfort.
I don't see how any of these numbers affect his family right now, he's in the midst of it.
How is the OP doing? Improving??
In most cases, a person weighs the risks of any given thing and then makes a decision based on their own risk/benefit analysis.
You're approaching the intersection with a yellow light.....If there are cars on both sides, you may stop for the yellow. If nobody is around, you'll probably keep going.
I am amazed at how people so easily fell for this vaccine program to protect against a 99% survivable disease.
An unproven mix of who knows what...from companies that you cannot sue if it makes you sick.
What also amazes me is that as more and more people are developing heart problems from this stuff, people are still lining up for it.
It reminds me of an abused woman that keeps getting her *** kicked but still stays with the abuser. You people realize that you do have a choice, right?

I believe that - you believe that - The Constitution documents that very clearly - yet millions are being threatened every day with the right to put food on their family’s table - if they don’t get it. And now they are including the booster in the same respect. It could not be more illegal, immoral and just plain wrong - but it’s pure fact. You want to feed your family - you better get the jab/booster or we can’t accommodate you. We’re going through that right now with the U.C. System - We’re going to test it to the edges of the boundaries - but not sure how it will end up. What kind of choice is that when they’ve weaponized corporate America and beyond against it’s own people? Can I be more clear - You know what I’m talking about. Where does choice come in?
This is just one out of many similar statements made by "real" doctors/specialists and is one of the best descriptions I've heard. Most will discount it as a c/theory of course cos of their hypnotized state but what have any of these doctors to gain in anyway whatsoever by describing what they know to be the case apart from trying to save humanity from a mass genocidal event, their oath is to do no harm.
I'm quite good at mathematics as well.
But your fixation with COVID statistics certainly seems to be unsympathetic to roadrunnerh who had a pretty bad experience from the virus.
Your main interest here seems to be argument and not care or comfort.
I don't see how any of these numbers affect his family right now, he's in the midst of it.
I'm plenty sympathetic to the OP, or to anyone who's sick. Sick sucks, and sick has always sucked. That's why it's called "sick" and not "Tuesday".


I do NOT subscribe to the belief that we should shut down society, force businesses to close, and decree that people MUST STAY HOME in order to prevent other people from maybe getting sick, possibly. The odds of severe issues from this thing are dropping every day, and they started at a level where you were more likely to be struck by lightning...so yes, I am "fixated" on the math. And our society falling apart, because of stupid ****.

I also do not subscribe to the current mentality that "sniffles means COVID!!!! DEATH!!!! DANGER!!!!" The common cold is NOT dead; people still "just get sick". Just because you're under the weather a bit, doesn't mean you're a threat to the survival of the human race.

I hope the OP feels better, and I'm sure the OP WILL feel better. Far more than 99% of the people who get this, do feel better.
Prove it.

I'll wait.

While you're at it, look up the following, for 2018, 2019, and 2020:
Influenza deaths
Pneumonia deaths
Cancer deaths
Myocardia deaths

Let's see how those numbers compare, for "before covid" and "after covid". I bet they make up a YUGE chunk of that 800k.

If you can find the numbers, that is.

Annual numbers that used to be published by March of the following year, are STILL not published - two and three years out. Hmm. Wonder why that is...?

And here's a hint: they changed the classification for flu. It is now called "influenza/pneumonia/covid". So even if you can find numbers, they're going to be even MORE vague.

But, I'll wait until you can find those total mortality numbers for us.

As expected....

To the OP, I hope you are feeling better and on the road to recovery !!

For those to whom this applies....

Listen up meatheads

I do not give a rats *** about your personal/political feelings about covid, the vaccine, or the booster. It is like one of those topics that polite society does not bring up, such as religion, politics, sex, etc.

You realize that there is a political forum for all that kind of conversation/ debate ?

I am in total agreement that you folks sparring for your arguement to win, have totally derailed a thread from an ailing member. The only compassion I see is when you are reminded by others. Then you post your vitriol first and a "get well" remark almost as an after thought. I find that kind of behavior disgusting and exceedingly insensitive. Go make your own post in the political forum and try to change each others point of view. See how that works out for you.

It seems now, more than ever that some nitwit has to post their political feelings into virtually every post. If I want political opinions, I will watch the news...not come to a car forum.
Get well soon! I know about those anti seizure drugs, dad is on Dilantin and is so so tired all the time and I blame that stuff.. Stay strong!
Thats not true. You are just making crap up. Maybe you should try volunteering near the front lines? See for yourself? Yeah. Didn't think so.

There is also another metric that nobody wants to discuss? The majority of those who get very sick and die are overweight. Most are classified as obese. Anyone want to take first shot on that discussion? I believe obesity just compounds any illness. Covid no exception. Melissa, (My nurse) agrees. But that metric is certainly well noticed.

LOL. EVERYTHING I wrote was true. Are you saying it was ALWAYS designed to let you get it and spread it after 3 shots and still get sick? The goal posts have just been moved closer after every shot with a new lie, the lies that I stated. Tell ya what show me some people with "mild" polio or full blown polio after getting the Polio vaccine. I don't know a single person. That's what I thought. The vaccinated are the ones who are spreading this like wild fire even after THREE shots soon to be 4 in one year. It's why sports teams are shutting down, Cruises, Broadway and so much more that are 100% vaxxed and are infected spreading it to all the other "vaccinated" people. Thanks for admitting you lied in your earlier post as it was ONLY the Unvaccinated dying now you're starting to tell a little bit more about other factors but that doesn't support your false narrative of the unvaccinated. I know one person who hasn't walked in 3 weeks now since his booster, Another guy who I shot pool with who had a heart attack and DIED 2 weeks ago and my friend's mom who had a mild heart attack and is now on oxygen for the rest of her life from what happened to her heart. ALL after the booster shot. It's why they are now increasing the time to show the "trial" information from 55 years to now 75 years. That means the oldest person right now would be 80 years old before the know what really is going on with these "vaccines". Why would they do that? Also why would they not allow the companies to be financially responsible for their own product?

To the OP I hope you are making a full recovery and feeling better!!!!
I'll start by hoping the OP does well. Then there are a few things that I think need to be said because there is some misinformation that has unfortunately been percolating this thread and some others. I am assuming it is not political because I know none of us are political.

I read that article and the cdc site, some others, including this one (https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/p...l-the-difference-between-covid-19-and-the-flu) because I was surprised at how it sounded. The CDC language looks to have been unfortunate. It has two possible meanings. The intended one: that the older test could tell covid but would not respond to the flu, and that the newer test can tell each, and independently. It is also unfortunate that the author of the gateway pundit and Richard made the hopefully unintentional mistake that this meant the PCR tests did not work. So the good news is the tests work. Part of the reason they are being discouraged now is that they pick up covid that is essentially recovered from. I advise if you are planning to travel internationally and need to take the required PCR tests that you also do so early because this can be evidence that you had it long before your trip.

Just trying to be helpful. I am very pleased with what we know about the virus and how it is evolving. I believe this spike may be the one that tips us over from one that is a concern (it would be a problem if all hospitals filled up - political and moral). I suspect this variant will go through (it is milder) and help basically by changing all of our genetic information so we can recognize the virus. This is very similar to what the mRNA delivery does. We have some real vaccines. We also have flu. I was vaxxed against that too because I was told that was a concern this year.

Stay safe. I expect I will get covid eventually even though I am vaxed and boostered, but I hope it will be milder because the variant is supposed to be milder and also because the antibodies to the vaccination apparently reduce the intensity of the disease. I know it is less than a percent death, but there is long covid and some of what I have seen it do to others is something I would not wish on anyone.

The "Gateway Pundit?" Scanning the internet until one finds a blog that you hope is true is not research. Besides, if Covid kills one second faster? It's a Covid related death. That was their one second. Not any of ours. Or for

I will not understand how people on a performance car site can embrace science and engineering principles so well to practice auto building and maintenance. And yet ignore overwhelming scientific facts and data of other subject matters? Is it because the data makes you sad? Facts are facts. There is no such thing as alternative facts. C8H18 when mixed with an optimal air ratio of 14.7:1 compressed to approximately 120 lbs per square inch then ignited will cause detonation. The energy from that detonation converted to rotating mechanical work is what makes a car drive. That is the science of the internal combustion engine. But the science of vaccine technology is a bridge too far? By your expert opinion? The fact that the unvaccinated are 20+ times more likely to be die from a Covid infection. (And even a higher hospitalization rate. This is by a study published from Texes Dept of State Health Services. Not exactly a Blue only State.) is baseless?

This discussion is just too stupid to continue. Good luck. And I hope/pray that everyone comes out the other side of this setting well and healthy.

You don’t like the website, so you ignore what is quoted by the CDC. How CNN of you!
Hello again guys, I'm doing very well other than the Keppra (anti convulsant) I'm taking makes me tired and beat. They want me on it for ten days. I called my PCP today to see if he'll cut me loose. Nope, finish the medication.
I really appreciate the well wishes - you guys are a great bunch! It makes it easier to deal with this when I am among friends who share my views on this bullshit virus. You men are the real deal - I appreciate that! THANK YOU ALL!
My anger rages about those slimy Commie cocksuckers in China, and this warfare they unleashed. They should pay.
Hello again guys, I'm doing very well other than the Keppra (anti convulsant) I'm taking makes me tired and beat. They want me on it for ten days. I called my PCP today to see if he'll cut me loose. Nope, finish the medication.
I really appreciate the well wishes - you guys are a great bunch! It makes it easier to deal with this when I am among friends who share my views on this bullshit virus. You men are the real deal - I appreciate that! THANK YOU ALL!
My anger rages about those slimy Commie cocksuckers in China, and this warfare they unleashed. They should pay.
Keep it up, attitude goes a long way with beating an illness or injury. Don't let it get you down and keep fighting you will recover.
Glad to hear that you're on the mend. It's very strange how this affects people differently.
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