Well-Known Member
I've been working on my '64 Fury for years and right from the start I've had nothing but trouble getting my Lincoln Power-MIG 200 to lay a good consistent bead. Not that I'm a professional welder, but I can lay a bead, though not anymore! Either a) I've developed some kind of degenerative disease that won't allow me to figure out simple settings, b) I've developed some other disease that won't allow me to read the settings on the welder and correctly turn the dials, c) there's an issue with my MIG or the gas I'm totally missing, or d) all of the above.
If there's anybody in the Vegas area that can run a consistent bead I'm begging you to come by my shop and help me diagnose WTF is wrong. If it's either "a" or "b" from above then I'll simply have to hire someone to do my welding, but if it's "c" then hopefully we can remedy the issue. Regardless, I could really use the help in figuring this out.
Thanks much in advance!
If there's anybody in the Vegas area that can run a consistent bead I'm begging you to come by my shop and help me diagnose WTF is wrong. If it's either "a" or "b" from above then I'll simply have to hire someone to do my welding, but if it's "c" then hopefully we can remedy the issue. Regardless, I could really use the help in figuring this out.
Thanks much in advance!