6100Hope you're not thinking that a Dana weighs a couple of tons more than an 8 3/4 are ya. A lot of people think they are 100's lbs more but in reality, they average about 50 lbs more......
707, what kind of rpm are you turning?
You never did say what suspension you were installing:blob1:
For most stuff leaf springs do a good job. Plenty of areas to spend $ on. So before you pitch those leaf springs see how these guys do it.Yeah I keep hearing that while so many go out and buy these bolt in units that are designed around "fitting the car" instead of focusing on what is best. Sorry, I don't see leaves and a pinion snubber as a great design and if they were you'd see them on more than trucks now days. I run the piss out of mine and leaves aren't exactly designed to hold your axle centered very well nor do they do a great job of keeping the pinion angle in place either. Just my opinion
qa1707 what torsion bars did you put in?