Well-Known Member
Hey 451! Thank you for that tidbit of info for a replacement! The original one is solid, but I was really expecting a bit of a fight to pull it off! I was simply shocked at how easy it just kinda fell out/off!
I assume that I would simply splice the new connector into the wiring harness by cutting into the original wires? Again, thanks you all. This is a wonderful site with lots of information and help for especially folks like me that are "shade tree" mechanics, at best!
Someone may have had it off before, and didn't get it on all the way. That outer plastic shell seems to shrink with age making it difficult to unplug and plug it back on. I was thinking the terminals in the connector were corroded and loose, thus the replacement pig tail.
If replacing the connector pig tail, I suggest staggering where the wires are cut for the splice so the splices are not all at the same location / length from the connector because it makes a bug bulge look in the harness. I don't use crimp connectors. I solder the wires and cover the soldered splice with adhesive backed heat shrink. More specific, 1/4" diameter, 3M EPS-300 (3:1) heat shrink tubing. Pricy stuff, but works great.