Deceased, But not forgotton
Put me down for one!!!
Hell Gpuller, i'd walk over to Minnesota to pick one up. That's pretty neat!
I would too, but I might get my feet wet
Count me in for one, and also interested in the sizing of the new smaller one shown above. PM me when ready....thanks.
very cool signage !!... any more examples or a website link for him ??... do you get a commission ?? should we go thru you instead of directly ??... There's a few custom decals, I'd like to have done, in the future possibly...
Thanks Gpuller, I didn't want to bypass you, just in case... Looks like great stuff... I will PM you, when I'm actually ready for the decals or a banner...He's working on a website but its not ready yet. I get no commission, you can go through me until he gets his site set up.
I'm sure he'd work with you on some decals Bud.