Well-Known Member
Wait till Garlits and haul the entire hulk over there with your tools.
This idea just popped into my head. It's insane, but what the Hell.
Why not have a 'Parting Out' party/yard sale/garage sale. Put an ad on Craiglist or wherever that states you have the Wagon and it's going to be parted out. The catch is that the buyer needs to come to remove the part. That way you can just charge for the part and not factor in the labor or shipping. Kind of like a junkyard but for just 1 car. Who cares if people aren't super gentle with other parts, you were already going to toss the car already. Maybe do the 'sale' somewhere that's not at your house, a neutral site possibly?
You guys are smart, think about it as a concept. Maybe it can work? Would this be something that you can do at a Carlisle or the like? I don't think there are rules at the shows that say you can't work on things. Are there?
I used to do that and have done it recently but after morons broke other good parts getting to the stuff they wanted, I won't do it anymore unless it's on something that's already mostly striped down. One guy broke a piece of expensive rocker trim on a Cuda while trying to pull a fender without first pulling the trim off. When I noticed what he was trying to do, he snapped it just as I told him he needed to pull the trim off first. Then the moron wanted me to drop the price of the fender. Really? Not only will I not go down on the price but I should charge you for breaking the trim and if you don't like them apples, just leave the freshly pulled fender lay right where it's at. He bought the fender and I blamed myself for not pulling the trim before he got there.This idea just popped into my head. It's insane, but what the Hell.
Why not have a 'Parting Out' party/yard sale/garage sale. Put an ad on Craiglist or wherever that states you have the Wagon and it's going to be parted out. The catch is that the buyer needs to come to remove the part. That way you can just charge for the part and not factor in the labor or shipping. Kind of like a junkyard but for just 1 car. Who cares if people aren't super gentle with other parts, you were already going to toss the car already. Maybe do the 'sale' somewhere that's not at your house, a neutral site possibly?
You guys are smart, think about it as a concept. Maybe it can work? Would this be something that you can do at a Carlisle or the like? I don't think there are rules at the shows that say you can't work on things. Are there?
I think you should sell the car as a parts car - done. Most of these guys who part cars out have plenty of room, so the fact that this parts car is in the way of your real project tells me you need to unload it ASAP.
Smash the items and take pictures, then send them to the offending cheapskates just to piss them off.
This idea just popped into my head. It's insane, but what the Hell.
Why not have a 'Parting Out' party/yard sale/garage sale. Put an ad on Craiglist or wherever that states you have the Wagon and it's going to be parted out. The catch is that the buyer needs to come to remove the part. That way you can just charge for the part and not factor in the labor or shipping. Kind of like a junkyard but for just 1 car. Who cares if people aren't super gentle with other parts, you were already going to toss the car already. Maybe do the 'sale' somewhere that's not at your house, a neutral site possibly?
You guys are smart, think about it as a concept. Maybe it can work? Would this be something that you can do at a Carlisle or the like? I don't think there are rules at the shows that say you can't work on things. Are there?
byob? what? the beer's not free????????pick n pull party at Bru's house!! BYOB!!!
Have you discussed this with anybody over on FCBO? What the consensuses and attitude over there on this subject? You might be putting your cart before the horse. Plus, what do you think the demand is for something like a tailgate for a 73 T&C? I bet it's lower than looking for a set of points! Don't forget that times are tough all over, you should see some of the super lowball numbers that get thrown to me for some of the stuff I have listed on the fleabag. It's like they want you to pay them to take it off your hands.
Well I understand the fact that some things arnt worth pulling off a car because after you factor time and materials you have to ask an insane price.
We do this because we're in the car hobby just think if you needed the smallest part to get your car finished.But you need to remove hundreds of parts to get to it . But the parts only worth .50 why would anyone waist there time right? Well usually a lot of parts come off in the removal of one you can't say I want $500 for a .50 part because you removed 100 other parts that's not fair to the guy who needs the .50 part I don't charge a lot for parts because I know there going to help someone finish another car. But I font give stuff away ether I find a happy middle packing and shipping is part of selling if you don't like it don't sell pull what you want from your parts car then scrap it or sell it to someone else to part out. Your not going to get rich selling parts it's more about making friends and connections I've bought and sold parts to many guys and we still talk to this day they look out for stuff I need and I do the same if someone needs something really bad and I have it I'll tell them to pay for the shipping cost and it will be on the way easy as that it's about the cars I look at parts cars in parts not as wholes .say I bought a car for $400 bucks I needed 200 worth of stuff out of it there's about $1000 worth of parts left so I put the cost equality on the remaining parts I know my brake even point then I just take offers buyers happy if it's over my brake even number I'm happy and usealy parts don't stay around long when I do it like this I make a little money they get parts they need and I get a connection in another state .
Big stuff I don't deal with unless it's valuable rare where someone is willing to ship if not it go's into storage till a local buyer comes around
Good luck with your parts car remember someone needs it to finish there car sometimes as long as you brake even it's ok