I was being slightly sarcastic. I’m sure if I jumped the fence and ran around with no event I would be trespassing. Point is the fairgrounds is not a state park or ‘public’.Not sure, I think so but I DON'T think so. Anybody know?
That was not the case for the last two weeks. I would be shocked if they go that far. The health dept and governor are trying to control something they just can’t.The current ruling/law is still a version of the original law. No matter your feelings on the law, it has been reinstated and it gives the state the ability to enforce it. You better believe that the PA. Health Department will be on the Carlisle grounds on that Thursday morning with the State Police just looking for people not following the ruling and it not being enforced. That is not a good scenario for the Event and those attending.
It is open to the public and is a public event. Which makes them "responsible" as event holders... Whether they care to enforce or someone else or entity is going there to solely enforce is the real question...I was being slightly sarcastic. I’m sure if I jumped the fence and ran around with no event I would be trespassing. Point is the fairgrounds is not a state park or ‘public’.
I just did the 2020 Spring Carlisle a week ago on the 17th thru 20th June. I have 1 spot every year way back by the turnpike ( I call it the sifee hole) I can tell u what happened if anyone wants some questions answered and on the lawsuit Carlisle vs Dept. of Health here as they went to court that Friday at 11 AM. I am a local here in PA. I will be at the Chryslers Carlisle next week. I have 8 spots right up from Legendary Auto Upholstery in from Gate 1 about 180 yards. There was basically no one wearing masks at the Spring show. There were some but not many. No police or Dept. of health enforcing mask wearing. Once you got thru the gate, u can do what u want . Police were there 1st day from what I seen said they were there in case any Antifa showed up and tried to cause riots or problems. The local news broadcasters were there also the 1st thru 2nd day interviewing car show attendees if they wanted to be interviewed and asked what they thought about the show and what they thought about Dept. of health. It was all over the news here every day and made headline news in all the local papers front page. Clueless Media and Dept. of Health trying to say there was not enough space at the show to social distance every one 6 ft. apart with the attendance that Media kept saying there would be over 100,000 people at the Spring Show. There has not been that kind of crowd there in years in 1 day. That shows u they will say and do anything to keep things shut down. Someone did the math some where and showed the amount of feet there would be sufficient distance for the 250 people or less in a crowd. It was basically a protest of car show people vs the Dept. of Health Dictatorship here and they got schooled in court from what I hear but Carlisle agreed to work with them on social distancing from my understanding. The PA state police said they had no problems with the Carlisle people and vendors and supported the vendors and Carlisle Production Management for putting on the show. Carlisle and Dept. of health came to a agreement from what I read in the paper on how they will work with Carlisle productions on the shows. I don't know how the GM show which just went on June 26 thru June 28th what changes they did for that show from the Spring Carlisle as I did not go.I'm definitely going, but taking the 2016 Challenger. No Road Runner or Scamp this year.