Those are some great pics Ron, where and when were they taken? I've seen the lights once around here about 8 or 9 years ago.
Who's camping out in wigwams & why?
wigwams are domed those look to be tepee's
You need to be away from the city light to see them would be my guess and nothing like camping in subarctic temps to let you know you're alive..LOL.. awesome photos
There Tee-Pees.. Maybe there renegade Indians lookin for scalps from heap big Daytona man. lol
I see northern lights every time i go out to my garage...:icon_weed:
i see northern lights every time i go out to my garage...:icon_weed:
-37°f? BRRRRRRRRRR-----Great shots though.
I'll take Florida any day!
And funky! lol... What u injuns doin in thar!
Dont know why but i tend to notice them more in the winter months.Seems like january when its the coldest out.
we smoke em peace pipe...imp_daddy: lol