Well, you got me looking at my old stuff in the shop. Yes, you are correct the originals did NOT have any markings on them that I can see. Here is mine that I believe is the original from my '69 Bee. Not in the best of shape, but still in one piece.
View attachment 675882
I also have this black filter that was on my '69 R/T when I bought it about 15+ years ago. It also does not have any p/n markings on it. I vaguely remember these being the replacement part back in the '70's?? or '80's?? I think these were available BEFORE Fram started making the CA332V replacements?? Again, memory is a bit foggy on this.
View attachment 675883
Also have the Fram CA332V like the one discussed previously in this thread.
View attachment 675885 View attachment 675886