I stand corrected on Chrysler, I could swear they had to pay back the government. But I do remember that they pulled their collective *** out of the fire. At least for a while led by Iacoca. I just would like to see people/business stand on their own and let the true markets sort themselves out. I am for eliminating ALL subsidies, even farming. These people (OWS) just seem to be whining to me.
Iacocca paid back the government 7 years early, with interest. He knew the more the government was in his business the worse off they would be.
I agree with what you said. I'll bet if the government would eliminate the farm sub subsidies, I'll bet the small farms would make a come back.
The Occu-tards think that since they have $80,000.00 in school debt that the banks should just forgive the debt. Don't these people think about this crap before they sign on the dotted line...? Some day they will have to pay this debt off.
Just like the housing foreclosure. I'm sorry I have a hard time feeling sorry for a person because he signed a loan for a house 4-5 times his or her annual wage, then lost the house because the interest only period was over, or they lost there job or took a pay cut and now they can't afford the payments, then wants the bank to forgive the loan.
I'm sick of this blame the bank thing.... Let's do the math.
Jim makes $50,000.00 a year, his wife make $30,000.00 a year for a total income of $80,000.00 a year. (Not too shabby)
But then they buy a house for $300,000.00... What's wrong with this picture???? Now we are not taking into consideration the $1,200.00 worth of car payments in the driveway and the $300.00 a month for the Snowmobile in the garage, etc etc.
How is this mess the banks fault any more than it is the car dealerships fault for selling him a car with in the payment this person can afford? The homeowner never looked at the principal just the payment, yet when it comes time to pay the piper they want to blame everyone but them selves.
Oh yha wait it gets even more logical. They set on un-employment for 99 weeks because they can’t find a job that pays the same or more than the one they just lost.
Now my dad always told me that it’s easier to find a job when you have one then it is when you don’t. So go find a job even it only pays minimum wage while you look for something else that pays better with more of a future. But before these Occu-tards go look for a job they better listen to Newt and get a bath first.