Well-Known Member
Here's one for you online trouble shooters.
I just rebuilt my 413 last winter/spring.
I was feeling pretty good about things since it was running well, (not as fast as I would like) and seemed to be sealed up good. The only leak I was aware of was slight dripping from the oil pan drain plug, very small amount from a valve cover.
Last week I got run off the track for leaking oil. I really couldn't see it leaking even with the engine running. But there was a lot of oil on the pan and drag link.
When I got it in the garage, the next day there was a lot on the floor.
At first I found a dent in the front of the pan sump, cause by a matching blob of weld on the k member. I must have dinged it when installing the engine. The pan is original, and is pitted out side, so I figured really thin there. It was definitely leaking here, but not enough to explain the qty. Time to install the Miladon pan I bought awhile back to solve the sloshing issue.
Not feeling good about having found the problem, I looked through the oil leak threads here, and was getting ready to try to pressurize the crankcase. I was really looking over the bottom, and and saw the the dipstick tube is cracked just above the block. That explains things a lot better, but of course it will be a much tougher repair.
Moral of the story? It's easy to jump to conclusions when diagnosing a problem.
I just rebuilt my 413 last winter/spring.
I was feeling pretty good about things since it was running well, (not as fast as I would like) and seemed to be sealed up good. The only leak I was aware of was slight dripping from the oil pan drain plug, very small amount from a valve cover.
Last week I got run off the track for leaking oil. I really couldn't see it leaking even with the engine running. But there was a lot of oil on the pan and drag link.
When I got it in the garage, the next day there was a lot on the floor.
At first I found a dent in the front of the pan sump, cause by a matching blob of weld on the k member. I must have dinged it when installing the engine. The pan is original, and is pitted out side, so I figured really thin there. It was definitely leaking here, but not enough to explain the qty. Time to install the Miladon pan I bought awhile back to solve the sloshing issue.
Not feeling good about having found the problem, I looked through the oil leak threads here, and was getting ready to try to pressurize the crankcase. I was really looking over the bottom, and and saw the the dipstick tube is cracked just above the block. That explains things a lot better, but of course it will be a much tougher repair.
Moral of the story? It's easy to jump to conclusions when diagnosing a problem.