Thanks Ed, I live a mile off the highway on a road that I built to get to where I am on the lake. I have to maintain that road and it’s all granite and hills. It’s a bitch to work on. I have three different plough trucks to maintain it in the winter, one being a 5 ton international with a 12 foot blade and a wing, these are the ones that you would see back up in Canada ploughing the highways . every three or four years have to lay down a bunch of gravel on the road because the hills ,it all gets washed out, I would take the skid steer or the loader, and bring all the material back up. Then I have a 8n tractor with an old grater pull behind that I would smooth it all out. I have a 1981 Corvette black on black 4 speed that I have put 200 miles on in four years. I don’t wanna drive it down my road because of the dust, I have to wait till there’s dew on the road to keep the dust down, if not by the time I get to the end of the road it’s a gray then I have to wash it and polish it. I apologize for carrying on. It’s that ADHD in me yeah
Heck, don't worry about "carrying on" - I tend to do that on here fairly frequently too.
Some like it, others ignore it. I do it as a sort of journal/mental exercise, really - while memories
are still retrievable from this crusty old mind.
As far as this road goes, I have the same issues with washout - and my only equipment is my
trusty 20+ year old MF compact diesel 4x4 tractor (made by Iseki). Tough little bugger, just big enough
to operate bush hogs and finish mowers and such - and a box blade and grader blades for the road.
I am well familiar with the 8N Ford, however - my dad had one I fixed up and kept in service for him
until it became obvious he was going to wind up on his head one day on it on a steeper slope....
My only regret was not getting the front end loader hydro for mine, didn't think I needed it at the time.
So...for the last 25 years, the Trent Lane Highway department consists of one half-decomposed employee
and a willing but aging Japanese tractor wearing a faded red M-F paint job.