Apparently so.
From their website:
"3. Payment. Unless otherwise agreed to by Seller, payment must be received by Seller at the time of order. Seller accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Buyer must include the cardholder’s name, credit card number, billing address, billing address, and security code. Seller also accepts certified bank checks, money order, and personal checks, but any order paid by personal check will be held for 5 business days. Please reference your order number on the check. You may also pay through PayPal by providing Seller with the email address that corresponds to your PayPal account. Once the information is provided to Seller, we will make a request for the funds through PayPal. All payments must be in U.S. funds. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller may in its discretion choose not to charge your credit card until your order has been shipped."
In my opinion, the last sentence should be their (and anyone elses') policy, not a mere "discretion".
In fact, I'd be willing to bet that a major reason why they have such a ridiculous delivery timeframe is because
they already have your money up front.
I still remember them when they started. About 1983, I did a deal with them where I sent them my original seat
upholstery out of my then '68 Super Bee so they could make patterns from it for their records (same upholstery
as the Coronet 440 that year). They gave me a half-off deal in exchange for doing so; they were small and a
pleasure to do business with then.
The monster they've become over years (victims of their own success?) is sort of sad to me, even though they
apparently are still the best at what they do.