If I was into virtue signaling, I’d have a “I’ve never sold a car for a profit“ sign made up to put next to a “Hate has no home here“ sign.

I‘m sure all my neighbors and everyone who drove by would be so impressed with me!
A late friend of mine had a Challenger T/A and hemi cuda, they both still sit in his garage 2 years after he died, the family probably won’t sell them anytime soon, but they don’t get used and won’t. I fully expect Ryan Brutt to do one of his “barn finds“ videos on them around the year 2030 give or take. They dont have car covers on the cars, so they will have an impressive layer of dust on them by then!
The airport I fly out of had a derelict piper Cherokee sitting on the ramp forever. One day a violent storm hit and it got torn loose from its tiedown, flipped over, and soon got hauled off to the scrapyard.
A friend of mine is an A&P mechanic and told me the story of the plane. It was a pilots pride and joy. He passed, and the widow couldn‘t bear to sell her husband’s plane. Though not a pilot, she even paid a mechanic friend of my friends to maintain the plane for a time, like annuals. But it just sat for years and years, and then deteriorated, then got destroyed by the storm.
If her late husband is “looking down from the great beyond“ is he pleased with the fate of his beloved plane?
We are caretakers for our toys and when we are gone, they need to go on to the next good caretaker, whether that be family or a stranger.
Do your family a favor and leave them smaller maintenance-free mementos to remember you by. My favorite momento from my late dad isn’t a car or plane, it’s a meteorite he bought for some reason, then it just sat on a shelf with a bunch of odds and ends. He was impulsive like that often, and seeing the meteorite in my house reminds me of him daily.