Just like the don't eat eggs bull$hit, the numbers have been adjusted up by the CDC. What's next? 3 Vodkas a day to stay healthy? I hope so.
I used to have high BP. I have been on those BP meds for 30 years and on cholesterol meds as well. I was also boarder line diabetic.
In July 2012 I had a workplace fall resulting in the end of my career and a spinal fusion surgery with rods and screws in Feb 2013.
I am 55 and 5ft 7in. I weighed 212lbs at surgery. My surgeon said lose weight to help my back after surgery and of course my regular doc has been saying that for years.
So Oct 1st last year I went on a diet and started walking 2.5 miles a day. I changed my diet to whole foods. No canned or frozen except frozen veggies. I learned to like salad and veggies. Started eating a lot of fish and lean chicken and less beef and pork.
As of today I have been off all the meds for 3 months. BP 115/68 on average. Cholesterol good blood sugar good.
I now weigh 163lbs!! lost 5 inches on my mid section and lots more all over!
So while I like the new guideline I say high BP is a killer and if anyone here is in any way like I was then I tell you, you can lose the weight and get off the meds and be around longer to enjoy your Mopar and your family. If I can do it anyone can do it!
My car is faster too!