Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Been awhile, but I'm getting closer to paint. Lots of overtime. I know this has been asked b4 but I would like some opinions on the situation I have. I wanted a specific blue, but in chroma base it's 650 a gallon and I need two. The DuPont clear is 200 a gallon. My painter loves chroma base and centari SS. He recently was spraying a high dollar impala in centari black (150 a gallon), and It was absolutely beautiful. The finish was a mirror (because of his cut and buff). My question is, if my car will be garaged (no uv cooking the finish), with a good wax, will the centari live for a long time? At 1700 for chroma/clear vs. 300 for centari the savings is huge! My painter is very experienced with both. This not a show car, just a ground pounder. Sorry for the long windedness.