thanks for sharing some nice rides there looks like you had a good time spend much time with the Good Humor truck ! :headbang:
thanks for sharing some nice rides there looks like you had a good time spend much time with the Good Humor truck ! :headbang:
it's actually a cool iconic picture...except that he's on a cell phone :icon_biggrin:
me and the boys were all representing mopar!
yummmm ice cream & Popsicles...LOL...
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djais Thanks for sharing, looks like the 2 {or 3} of you were representing Mopar very well... He's cute kid & future gear head too, no doubt...
Thanks for the pics. Was there more than one original Batmobile? When I saw that pic I wondered what was up with it. I thought it looked really good to be some just a clone some guy built in his garage. The one sold at the BJ auction for how many million $ in the spring? If the one in your pic is an authentic Barris car I would think it would be worth big money too.