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Jack Stand Racer #6..and proud of it!
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
8:11 AM
Oct 16, 2014
Reaction score
Salisbury, Vermont
Let me pontificate for awhile.....IMHO the age we are living through right now is one that previous civilizations have all lived through before. I suspect that it spelled the beginning of the end for many of them. I have an ominous feeling that things are going to begin heading downhill at a faster and faster pace. There seems to be just too much chaos in the world, and too many who would worsen that state for their own designs, than hero's who would strive to repair it for everyone's benefit. It feels , at least to me, like the global balance is slipping into an ever narrowing chasm from which we would have to experience extraordinary grace to escape. It feels like the chances are diminishing more and more rapidly.
As an example of what I mean lets look at the recent past where seminal events have occurred.
Events like WW1 & WW2, the explosion of gains in medicine and technology, the polar shifts in pop culture and societal norms. I addition I would include seemingly ordinary human events that represented turning points on the path to where we now find ourselves. Events like the dawn of nuclear weapons, the rise of the minorities, the dawn of AI and robotics. The abilities, no matter how crude, to enter into space by so many means, and the global race to dominate in the crucial areas of tech, space, medicine, and politics. Religion, and the growing distain for it, is part and parcel to the problems of disintegrating family unity at all levels. War trumps peace.
All of this when taken together represent seemingly insurmountable odds for the survival of all that is universally deemed to be good and just.
Societal norms that we have all come to expect over the last 7-10 decades are falling like dominoes and are being replaced with hatred and divisiveness all along the spectrum.
This is not just America, or the "WEST" that I speak of, but the globe as a whole. All countries seem to be spiraling out of control and staggering under the weight of the collective bad decisions that have become a stone about their necks. If you don't look too closely, things can be seen as just okay, or simply tolerable, on the way to good or just fair. Humans are nothing if not ever hopeful individuals.
However, if you look closely at the " Bigger Picture" all about you, then you can begin to see the cracks in our egg.
Going from a few billion to 9 or even 10 billion in population in just a decade or two is a very, very big problem. Our civilization is racing towards something, I cant see what, but something.....and I don't feel like it's going to be good.

What remains to be seen is just what the results will be, of these paths we are all on, that seem to be converging on the way to a watershed event. I pray that what ever that event(s) turns out to be, that human kind will survive it.
civilization will be doomed by our own ignorance.
the silver lining is I won't live long enough to witness it,so I don't worry about it.
Thats been the plan for a few thousand years now. Armageddon day will come regardless of our doings.

I just hope the Turds financier is not the key.
Just read the Bible and you will find all the answers you’re looking for. Including the end times....
The NoKo's or Iran could do this.Scroll down to "Taking the Pulse of a Nuclear Weapon.


The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from the detonation of a sufficient yield nuclear weapon at the right height and location above the US would be cataclysmic. Read "One Second After" by William R. Forstchen. Then do some research on the abysmal state of protection of our national infrastructure from an EMP event. If a rogue regime such as North Korea, a radical theocratic regime such as Iran, or a non-state actor (terrorist group) ever achieved this capability, I believe that they would use it (or threaten its use) under the right circumstances. They don't believe in, or care about, mutual assured destruction, which was the underpinning that kept the former Soviet Union and the US (or any of their nuclear capable allies) from using nuclear weapons during the Cold War. If this happened to our country it would be the ultimate terrorist attack. I believe that the US must do everything in its power to prevent the possibility of this from happening.
This is not just a US issue it could happen any where.
The only thing these little counties have saving them are their neighors.
Time for we Americans take back our government. From there we might help the world.

Does this give you the answer you seek?

Not even remotely. I do NOT agree with ANY of that drivel. As I said, I do not know what it will take to solve any of what I talked about. Although, Mother Nature has a way of leveling the field when it's required. We shall see. What ever happens, it should be interesting...
Not even remotely. I do NOT agree with ANY of that drivel. As I said, I do not know what it will take to solve any of what I talked about. Although, Mother Nature has a way of leveling the field when it's required. We shall see. What ever happens, it should be interesting...

I understand your reaction but the UN and its other nation members want to depopulate the earth, so to conserve resources for the future. This is why islam is on the rise. Prince Charles has said Islam will save the world fron global warming. Just how will a seventh century ideology do that? Kill off the non-believers, us, which is what they preach. It's a had pill to swallow but we are in peril for our very existence.

I understand your reaction but the UN and its other nation members want to depopulate the earth, so to conserve resources for the future. This is why islam is on the rise. Prince Charles has said Islam will save the world fron global warming. Just how will a seventh century ideology do that? Kill off the non-believers, us, which is what they preach. It's a had pill to swallow but we are in peril for our very existence.

I believe in a promise given to us many years before the existence of Islam. Islam is an idology. If it is the devils work its days of absolute power will be short lived. Bloody but short lived.
In the early 1800's there was a volcanic eruption that caused a year without a summer. Right after,there was an earthquake that caused the Mississippi river to flow backwards. The early 1900's saw the Spanish flu pandemic. There IS a disaster coming that will alter modern life and population levels. We are also historically overdue.
I understand your reaction but the UN and its other nation members want to depopulate the earth, so to conserve resources for the future. This is why islam is on the rise. Prince Charles has said Islam will save the world fron global warming. Just how will a seventh century ideology do that? Kill off the non-believers, us, which is what they preach. It's a had pill to swallow but we are in peril for our very existence.

Forget about this Islam Muslim hate thats been fed to you. The real danger is nuclear war and instead of reading whatever it is you are, id suggest taking the time to look into nations that are hostile to us and have unstable regimes, which include nuclear capabilities. The information is out there and its not some right wing babble about light water reactors and clinton either. Its about China/Russia/Pakistain and other countries who all helped North Korea develop there nuclear arsenal and the vehicle to deliver it. This is in part why a policy of isolationism by our country is so dangerous. The divide in this country since the last 30 years is destroying us. The quest for power by any one political party to run the country as they see fit with little or no regard has resulted in were we are right this very moment . There is a feeling of self assurance among some that we can easily destroy these backwards country's who threaten us and we could but the one body blow they might land would thrust this country into a very bad condition equal to thousands of 9-11's. Thats in my opinion the real danger we face today
Yea like rocket man is the least of our so called worries. I am not losing sleep over it what nature does it does. We all live where we want regardless consequences. Life of some form will go on reguardless if I am here or not.
Yea like rocket man is the least of our so called worries. I am not losing sleep over it what nature does it does. We all live where we want regardless consequences. Life of some form will go on reguardless if I am here or not.
Just remember one thing. Were you live would not be a target. Were i live would, as well as other strategic areas. The destruction of a entire major US city would be catastrophic for the rest of the country economically and physically. My life at my age is in the beginning of the last semester, so as much as my final calling scares me, its not me I'm concerned about. Its the world i leave to my grandchildren.
That depends on what they consider targets. Being 30 miles from a major AFB that presently has craft within striking range of NK and can deploy to just about anywhere on the planet in hours.
A major transportation hub the same distance in the other direction. Rail and truck. I do not consider myself living in a safe zone.
Forget about this Islam Muslim hate thats been fed to you. The real danger is nuclear war and instead of reading whatever it is you are, id suggest taking the time to look into nations that are hostile to us and have unstable regimes, which include nuclear capabilities. The information is out there and its not some right wing babble about light water reactors and clinton either. Its about China/Russia/Pakistain and other countries who all helped North Korea develop there nuclear arsenal and the vehicle to deliver it. This is in part why a policy of isolationism by our country is so dangerous. The divide in this country since the last 30 years is destroying us. The quest for power by any one political party to run the country as they see fit with little or no regard has resulted in were we are right this very moment . There is a feeling of self assurance among some that we can easily destroy these backwards country's who threaten us and we could but the one body blow they might land would thrust this country into a very bad condition equal to thousands of 9-11's. Thats in my opinion the real danger we face today

Steve you say islam is not a problem? What about the female at worker who was beheaded by a male islamist because she disrespected him? If I were you real up just on sharea law and the brutality and perversion it commands it's subject to do.
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