And for the love of god, keep your Superbee's keys in your pocket. Pretty sure the government has enough hands in your cookie jar.
Yep, the keys are in pocket. And you are right, there are way too many hands involved in just about everything it seems. I'm glad you take no offense with my comments, as they were just my opinion. And as I said, I do not enjoy/understand why kids are doing what they are doing with cars now. In fact, I leave when they show up. I take a different street if they are on the one I wanted. Not all kids, but sure seems to be a lot of them…
Probably because it has been many decades since I was one.
But I do recall being yelled at, cut off, swerved at, pulled over by cops for going too slow(35 in a 40) cruising West Colfax in Lakewood, CO, pulled over for illegal exhaust, pulled over for impaired vision(tunnel ram with Moroso velocity stacks (gold of course), pulled over for tinted windows, given trespassing tickets for being parked in a gas station(yes, putting gas in the car at the time), and on, and on….and I think the best one was the McDonald's drive thru lady telling me her husband was a mechanic and could fix the way my 340 Duster idled (.508/292 cam in 1982). I was deeply offended, as I had spent a LOT of money to make it idle the way it did. But a LOT of money is relative isn't it? Made $5.18 an hour, and spent almost all of it on my car every other Friday. And times seemed a lot more fun…
So again, I am not going to judge what they do. In fact, I think the stupid non-reality shows with "illegal" street idiots racing in the middle of the night are way more dangerous, hiding from cops….with 10 light towers lighting up their "drag strip." And cameramen, make-up artists, lighting guys, sound guys, generators, and who knows what all else walking around. I street raced for many years. As in a lot of years. I don't remember Dog Pound rd, or Quail rd in Longmont, CO having any lighting, no cops blocking the road off so we could race safely, and definitely no make-up people involved. Just cash. And stupidity.
Isn't that part of being young?