Coronet 14
Well-Known Member
Got a question on my turn signal lights and hazzards. When the turn signal is on or hazards are on They will function ok for several seconds then flash fast like a strobe light. Then flash normal and make that ticking sound that tells you it's on. I thought I had fixed the problem when I cleaned the sockets and grounds. I was reading the Service Manual and it stated I have a flasher for the hazards attached to the brake pedal bracket. The turn signal flasher is attached to the Ash Tray. The latter I thought controlled the signal and hazards. All the times I have had this thing apart I never noticed the flasher on the brake pedal bracket. Well there is no wire plug anywhere under the dash that would match up to the flasher. I even removed the Radio to get a better look. The flasher is there . My question is could the factory have used the flasher that attaches to the Ashtray do both and the other one Do nothing. Thanks