ok....heres the dillio. seems like once a week AT LEAST i get a private message from one of the ops slapping my wrists for doing this or saying that. im curious as to whom else gets this on a weekly basis? and is the other party involved with my so called " bad doings " also getting reprimanded?
those that know me know im a no-nonsence kinda guy. i tell it like it is and dont tend to sugar coat things. and i expect that also in return. by no means do i attack anyone unless i am attacked first. i have a vast wealth of knowledge in some areas more than others and i would like to think that i help alot of you guys just as you have helped me ,,,,many many times....its a give and take thing,,,,am i correct in this assumption?
im a 50 year old man and im sure alot of you are either my age or older...and really dont need a babysitter monitoring every word that exits my mouth. i have seen things said that i wouldnt dream of saying to anyone,,,,but yet i get a weekly slap on the wrist, and i am curious as to who else gets this ? my gold member dues are paid up and will contiune to be paid as long as i am an active participant . i have been thanked in more posts that i have posted.....so i guess im doing something right.... RIGHT ?:sideways tongue:
those that know me know im a no-nonsence kinda guy. i tell it like it is and dont tend to sugar coat things. and i expect that also in return. by no means do i attack anyone unless i am attacked first. i have a vast wealth of knowledge in some areas more than others and i would like to think that i help alot of you guys just as you have helped me ,,,,many many times....its a give and take thing,,,,am i correct in this assumption?
im a 50 year old man and im sure alot of you are either my age or older...and really dont need a babysitter monitoring every word that exits my mouth. i have seen things said that i wouldnt dream of saying to anyone,,,,but yet i get a weekly slap on the wrist, and i am curious as to who else gets this ? my gold member dues are paid up and will contiune to be paid as long as i am an active participant . i have been thanked in more posts that i have posted.....so i guess im doing something right.... RIGHT ?:sideways tongue: