I do dryer sheets as well. Put them in the glovebox, trunk, spare tire well in trunk, under seats, in consoles, whatever. So far no issues. Haven't had an issue regardless of brand either.
I keep the hood open on cars inside in storage for winter.
Supposedly, if you put some in your pockets mosquitos stay away but I have never tried that.
I had a mouse in my car last year, 1st time in 17+ years here...
Found a lil' nest in the trunk from torn-up paper towels, no other signs...
I also leave the A12 hood off & trunk open too, I saw dropping on
that blanket under the hood, I keep on top of the car.... gross)
I still have the dryer sheets in there too...
Never could find the mouse, but I put bait out for them too...
Never found a carcass...
I 'accidentally' locked one of the neighbors, Darren's cat 'Flick' in my garage,
for a couple days...
I haven't seen any signs of the mouse (or mice) anymore either...
We have 40 open acres right behind me & an open easement right next to me...
prime mouse habitat (squirrel & gopher, all kinds of wildlife on that land too)
We have a crapload of cats around here now,
5 just in the direct neighbors, all outside cats
several more I see too, that I have no idea from where or who's...
1 directly across the street Tommy's cat
1 to my left side Darren's cat (he had 2 one got eaten by coyotes)
& 1 guy Damon & his young daughter, right across the street to the right
has 3 outside cats, I see them stalking/hunting stuff all the time...