Here is a roll bar tip (we install plenty of them and they are very different for street cars vs race cars).
To complete the welds on the top of the hoop and have the bars as tight as possible to the roof (this is for a street roll bar), drill holes the size of the rollbar main hoop tubing in the floor where they will be installed. 1.75" or 1.625" are common roll bar diameters.
You need to install a 1/8" plate under the rollbar at the floor, so cut &fab the plates but do not weld them in quite yet, just slide them under the main hoop ends. Mark the down bar locations and angles, then slide the floorplates out of the way and drop the main hoop down into the holes. This will allow you access to weld the top of the down bar fish-mouth joint. For a final install, push the hoop back up into position and slide the floor plate under the floor end of the rollbar main hoop. Weld plates, rollbar and gussets.
On a street bar, we get the roll bar as far away from the drivers head as possible (up near the roof) and pad it. You do not have a helmet on when driving on the street and an un-padded roll bar near your head is actually more dangerous than no bar at all. On a race bar, we keep the roll bar no more than 3 inches from the drivers head when in a helmet, minimizes the travel until it stops your head in a crash (and you are wearing a helmet).
Hope that helps.