I had a strange/very rude experience about a new premature flat cam/bad lifter, that was broke in properly, with the correct oil & done right & the crappy leaky valve job, mixed matched valve springs, retainers, locks, seals, poor workmanship, poor port job, crap guides on some new heads.... I had bought from a good buddy, albeit second hand that were both still "new in the boxes"... I was dealing with {Mark ? IIRC is or was} the owner @ Hughes, shortly afterwards, you couldn't get ahold of them, they wouldn't respond to e-mails or answer the phone & Fax #'s disconnected or changed, supposedly it was bad machinist or inexperienced untrained help/employees, bad/cheap suppliers & the A-Typical alleged health issues or something along those lines, it was many years ago now... {I still remember it pretty well, possibly the worst ever customer service I've ever had, in 35+ years} I use to order quite a few thing from them/him, when MoPar Race stuff was rare or hard to find back a decade & 1/2 {15+ years} or so ago... I know it wasn't his sale, it was a second party deal, but it's the way, that he blew me off... He blamed it on everyone else, he was completely wrong, I wasn't trying to get anything for free either, just information basically... I know the guy I got them from was a stand up guy... You would think he/they would deal with a long time customer better... I didn't get pissed or have it out, he was just completely rude, total lack of respect... Especially after spending thousands & thousands of dollars, with them over many years... I haven't since & won't ever ordered from them, ever again... I know some people have a bad day but not months on end, you wouldn't think anyway, without an underlying issue... Some people don't get it, when dealing with the general public, some shouldn't deal with the general public/customers either, some should hire someone, that can deal with customers politely, telling them to pound salt tactically/basically, with out losing a good cash customer... I've read many other bad experiences with them, all over the w-w-w, mostly forum stuff, didn't believe most of it, I have since... IMHFO there's a good reason why the ol' adage says "the customer is always right" !!... I know they're not actually, but if they are going to spend thousands of dollars you better damn well make them fell they are right, "most of the time", with out being rude or demeaning.... my $0.02 cent