Was reading Mopar Action tech topics. E Booger said you needed to run a minimum 1.4 ohm coil with an orange box or it will be cooked. Running a MSD Blaster II 0.70 0hms heading for trouble?
Can I assume since it still works its ok or could it damaged? Only has 6 to 8 hours of sporadic run time.Fran,
I believe the concern is the current handling capacity of the switching transistor on the front of the box. When this transistor turns OFF (all the coil's primary current flows through this transistor), the collapsing field in the coil's primary winding generates the high secondary secondary voltage to the plugs. If the coil's primary resistance is reduced to 0.7 ohms, the transistor will have to handle roughly 50% more current and be subjected to a higher induced voltage caused by the coil's collapsing primary winding, a function of the coil's turns ratio. This presents both higher voltage and current conditions which will likely cause premature failure. If you feel you want or need more voltage to the plugs, look for a coil with the same primary winding resistance but has a greater secondary turns ratio, allowing it to generate a higher secondary plug voltage with the same primary current.
This is just my opinion.
Bob Renton