That's RIGHT!
The Capital City Mopars are coming BACK to Hagan Park in Rancho Cordova after a 3 year absence.
After a hiatus in 2020 and two shows at the Carmichael Elks Lodge in 2021 and 2022, we are coming back to the Park where we used to be.
Show-goers let us know that they overwhelmingly prefer the Park. We have worked to make it happen again.
Our shows used to be in June, the Saturday
after Fathers Day. It was always a gamble with the weather in late June...It was mid 80s sometimes and well over 100 other times.
This year, the show is early October. Here in Sacramento, that usually means upper 80s.
We will have the usual.....Car show, swap meet, car corral, music, raffles and if luck holds out, a FREE picture of you in your show car as you enter the park! This year we are considering employing one or more FOOD trucks. This may broaden the menu options compared to traditional Hamburgers and hot dogs.
I'll update this thread with more info as it comes in.
Save the date....October 7, 2023!