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Should I be pissed?

18 months not all the plates are completely fused..That is high near the anterior fontanelle suture. The anterior fontanelle can take up to 18 months to fully fuse...Everything may be normal but we are not talking about an adult here that can communicate effectively. I would suggest to waste a few bucks and check that out...Just to be safe..
Whoa..... are you a doctor too??? Would explain your attention to detail.:)
I would expect that a daycare would have to render harmless any potential dangers, such as the river, before being granted a license to operate. If not then that's a heartbreak waiting to happen. Put him elsewhere.
dam right ! they should have child proof fence up ! if the y don`t , u could go thru the right people and make them put one up or close the doors. Just think, a kid could loose his or her life over this if u don`t act on it .
Kids will be kids bump, brusis and scrapes are part of the learning process.
But gezz if running a daycare from your home and moving to a new property way was a fenced in outdoor play area taken care of before the move?
Are not licenced daycares inspected in Iowa?
Just got to wonder what some people are thinking about when care for someone elses kids.
Whoa..... are you a doctor too??? Would explain your attention to detail.:)
Lol....no way...no interest but I do work in the medical field....RVU's is why I would never want or have the desire to be a physician. My conscious could not handle inappropriate testing to meet thresholds for monetary gain versus providing excellent patient care......
just remember that up until 5 or so kids "bounce " , they don't tense up and therefore don't hurt themselves as much . raised 3 girls 2 were skateboard riding tomboys , my youngest would hit the ground hard enough for you to hear it and would then bounce up saying "I'm not crying , I'm not crying " :lol:
kids are tougher than the current crop of "PC poofters" would have you believe ,just a boy being a boy. don't sweat it unless he gets sleepy at a weird time e.g. when he would normally be tearing around the place
I didnt ask about taking him to a doctor. That's my call. I just want to know if something's wrong with me for not being overly pissed about him injuring himself.

As far as the river goes. We talked and she is going to build a fence. So for the immediate future he will continue to go their.
----------Your right you did not but others were quick to tell you that his bump on the head was no big deal. Thats what got me going. As far as you wanting to know if there is something "wrong" with you about being pissed off? Pissed off at who? I have no idea but i think you'd be concerned
well excuse me :icon_fU: maybe aussie kids are tougher than most ,an egg like that was a regular part of growing up when I was a kid
anyone old enough to remember when they would of just put some butter on that ? well turns out they were right http://ucanmedic.blogspot.com.au/2010/04/butter-on-bruise.html
Or maybe there parents are not as smart as we here in the states are. So sarcastic remarks side. What was considered normal decades ago is not now as the medical community knows better. You may have read a post written as to why its important in such a young child to have a bump checked out. A few years ago i hit my head hard and fell onto my side at a height of six feet. Weeks later while talking to a doctor i was told head injuries should always be checked and he explained why. Very young children cannot really convey how they are feeling and my comments are just being on the cautious side. I would never tell a parent dont worry or dont seek medical attention when it comes to there children and a injury, but thats just me.
Wow...this thread is going sideways also.

The #1 worst treatment is an internet search, period....That was a direct blunt force trauma blow with a concrete object. This is an 18 month old baby. I would rather pay a simple copay than gamble on a possible concussion.

I will relay an adult example. Last year a coworkers mother slipped on the garage floor on a rainy day and popped her head. She got up with help of her son and seemed okay. She decided not to seek medical attention and later that day felt very tired and went to sleep very early in the day. The next morning the son went in to wake his mom and she died due to a massive concussion.

Do not rely on internet medical advice and do not chock it off to little cousin Johnny had this....Waste the time and check it out....
different cultures is all I can see , "hospital was where you went to die and doctors were the ones who sent you there " was the rule when I was growing up . a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil on a teaspoon of sugar was what we got for sore throats or the flue , and a dessertspoon of caster oil for upset stomachs or if you were to sick to go to school ( needless to say there weren't many missed school days:lol:)
Most important is we all recognize that are all concerned parents with different methods. As my wife and I say, it's ok if our methods are a bit different, just so log as our results and goals are the same.

For me, goose egg doesn't always equal hospital visit. For me, I'd keep a close eye on him, watch for mood changes, dilated pupils, lethargy, etc. then again, that wasn't medical advice, best to use your best judgement.

Now the big question - does this tend to be a regular occurrence at this place? Not necessarily with your kid always, but does somebody in the population tend to frequently exhibit injuries like that? I always keep my eyes open for possible signs of child abuse not just my kids, but their friends, my students, kids at the park, kids at the store. I'm sure it was innocent, but it pays to always keep a watchful eye...
Most important is we all recognize that are all concerned parents with different methods. As my wife and I say, it's ok if our methods are a bit different, just so log as our results and goals are the same.

For me, goose egg doesn't always equal hospital visit. For me, I'd keep a close eye on him, watch for mood changes, dilated pupils, lethargy, etc. then again, that wasn't medical advice, best to use your best judgement.

Now the big question - does this tend to be a regular occurrence at this place? Not necessarily with your kid always, but does somebody in the population tend to frequently exhibit injuries like that? I always keep my eyes open for possible signs of child abuse not just my kids, but their friends, my students, kids at the park, kids at the store. I'm sure it was innocent, but it pays to always keep a watchful eye...
Heres my thing and note i have been blessed with six grandchildren. I said pediatrician not hospital. While i didn't take my kids to the doctors when they sneezed this incident is different. That little guy is very young and that was a nasty fall, I'm on the safe side. This isn't 50 years ago, we know more. For instances infants sleep on there backs not like we did when my kids were babies and had them on there stomachs. My point is what was acceptable years ago now the medical community knows more and i think and i would bet any pediatrician would think its a good idea to get the bump checked out
With now takes me to this. You heard a opinion from someone who knows something, i know what my doctor told me. I also have a problem with internet opinions on what someone should or should not do concerning medical/ health issues. Whats being said by some is boys will be boys, dont run to get these things checked out and the such. I strongly do not agree but more importantly do not give out advise like this. Id say nothing before id tell this guy its a bump just watch him no big deal. So while I'm just making a point and i think a lot of this young parent, I worry about the little guy like i worry about my own grandkids.
My older sisters would make fun of people by saying they must have been dropped on their heads as an infant.

How old are the other kids this person keeps?
No, don't even answer that.
It doesn't matter.
The point I would like to make is at that age a child pretty much needs watching every moment.
What I mean is that if you turn your head for a second, they can get into trouble.
I don't think I would entrust my child at that age to a single person who has multiple charges unless she had them confined in a "safe" space 24/7.
Most important is we all recognize that are all concerned parents with different methods. As my wife and I say, it's ok if our methods are a bit different, just so log as our results and goals are the same.

For me, goose egg doesn't always equal hospital visit. For me, I'd keep a close eye on him, watch for mood changes, dilated pupils, lethargy, etc. then again, that wasn't medical advice, best to use your best judgement.

Now the big question - does this tend to be a regular occurrence at this place? Not necessarily with your kid always, but does somebody in the population tend to frequently exhibit injuries like that? I always keep my eyes open for possible signs of child abuse not just my kids, but their friends, my students, kids at the park, kids at the store. I'm sure it was innocent, but it pays to always keep a watchful eye...
Waiting until secondary signs present itself can lead to.a much more horrible situation. That's if the parent/parents can even recognize them especially when their child is in the hands of another that has no clue or idea what to look for.

I dont get what the big deal is taking the child in to the pediatrician...no one here has mentioned hospital....However, I would have no problem taking them there for a quick x-ray....the oldest cheapest test known to man. Is there fluid/swelling or is there not..once answered cold pack the child and send him home...

16 years in emergency and non emergency medicine I have seen my fair share of families state, "If only we would have come in sooner?". Take that gamble and hopefully you get lucky because the alternative is not good....
I didnt ask about taking him to a doctor. That's my call. I just want to know if something's wrong with me for not being overly pissed about him injuring himself.

As far as the river goes. We talked and she is going to build a fence. So for the immediate future he will continue to go their.
Yea I'd rather take my kid to a house next to a highway, If they don't have them fenced in good it doesn't matter.
How is the little guy anyway? All the fuss over what should have been done and no one ask the obvious.
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