I have the unit described by mountainmuscle in my road runner and am not pleased with it. When it arrived, it rattled and a set screw fell out of a hole in the casing. I took it to a professional installer and after testing it with a four speaker system it ran very hot. I sent it back to the manufacturer and was told the heat was normal when running four speakers and that it was operating as it should.
We installed it with the four speakers and an amplifier so that the radio could operate at less power. With the amplifier on it there is loud static. With the amplifier off it heats up and shuts off. at this point we haven't got it working right. After looking at the warranty (such as it is), if we can't get it to work correctly, I'll leave it in cause it looks good and hide a China radio somewhere else. Here's the warranty info for Antique Automobile Inc
"All of our products are
thoroughly tested and guaranteed to perform as specified for a period of one year from
date of purchase. The seller cannot control the use of these parts, therefore the seller
makes no warranty, express or implied, other than replacement of a component that fails to
operate. Further, since defects in a customer's radio (i.e. shorted buffer condensers or
power transformer, etc.) or electrical system can destroy a vibrator, power supply, or
other components, this warranty is limited to ONE replacement. In no event shall our
liability exceed the buyer’s purchase price nor shall we be liable for any indirect
or consequential damages.
This warranty does not apply to products that have been subject
to misuse, neglect, accident, or modification.
Return the defective item to us and include
sufficient shipping and handling (minimum $4.00) for a prompt replacement.