My Charger isn't original...but it's a period respray in single stage lacquer. I figure late 70s,
maybe early '80s. I did wet sand and polish it about six times after I got it - it had all the shine of a pool table when I first bought it.
FL car all its life, basically one owner (I got it from the guy who bought it from the original owners' estate; he had it less than a year). My guess is either FL sun fade, or I *think* there's a small bit of mud over the left rear wheel. There's finger smudges on the driver door frame in about eighteen different shades of green, and they still didn't get it right - it's a little too blue, the factory F4 light green has more of a gold hue to it. My guess is, if that is mud...they tried to match the quarter, missed...and sprayed the whole thing.
Personally, I hate the black rub strips...but I don't want to pull them off because they'll take paint with them, and I do NOT want to paint the car. I love that it's basically original. I also love that it's green - ALL the Chargers you see nowadays are high impact colors, or black, or red...I like the fact that this is still one of the mainstream colors from the '70s, which is rare now.
I also love DRIVING the car. I take it to Lowe's. The grocery store. Petsmart. It's a
car, and I get to USE it. If it were perfect, and fresh-painted, and laser-straight...I'd be paranoid. As it is, it has flaws, and nicks, and dings, and bug guts....and I get to ENJOY it.
If you can spot-fix the paint that's on it (mine is a great ten-footer), go for it. If you can''s
original. I have people comment all the time that they love the originality on mine, when they see it out and about. It isn't hiding anything - it's