I have tried about 15 times to make a post, but never made it to the end of what I wanted to say before losing it again. We'll see how far I get this time.
We have known Steve & his wife since 2005 when he joined the first generation forum back then. We talked a lot, then we decided to meet face to face in 2006. They drove up from Sacramento and we drove down from Seattle to about half way and we ended up in Grants Pass Oregon at a bed & breakfast for the weekend. We had a great time getting to know one another. From that point on, we made it a yearly event to get together for a weekend. Either they drove up to our place, or we flew down there to spend a few days together. There were 3 years that we each drove to a car show just outside of Eugene, Oregon as well. We stayed at the same hotel those 3 years.
When I got home from work each night for the last 5 years, I would settle in my chair with my laptop and Steve & I would talk on the "instant messenger" system about anything. We would tell each other what we did that weekend, what we were gonna do the following weekend, he would always ask about my wife's heart issues and my back problems. If he had a car issue, I would help him with advice and parts. If I had computer problems, he would help by taking over my computers by remote control and fix mine while he was sitting in his chair in his own house. He had a talent for computers that I will never ever have.
I talked to Marie the other night, offered my sorrow and if there was anything she needed, we are there for her. We know the "how", "where", and "when" in regards to what happened to Steve, we just don't know the "why" this took place, and I suppose we never will.
I have no motivation to go out to my garage and even look at my cars....I have lost one of my best friends and will never know what happened.
I'm having a very hard time dealing with this and not sure what to do about it. I keep waiting for an email or instant message so I can wake up from this nightmare....
A couple pics below of our first meeting at Grants Pass, I will cherish these forever (I'm the one on the left in the goofy hat)
This may be my last post for quite some time....take care all