So these should be the good 14x6" wide rims for 1970 cars. I am looking for 14x5.5" for my 67 GTX.
Did you ever find your 14 x 5.5" rims? This is the second post I have read within one week for as set of 14 x 5.5" rims. I am restoring a 67 Charger Hemi and bought a set of 14 x 6" rims with new redlines, thinking that they were correct for my car. I have 2 service manuals, both parts books, 2 restoration books and not one mention of a 5.5" wheel for my hemi. How did I miss that? But I guress they are impossible to find today so I should be grateful for the 14 x 6" wheels. Will I have any clearence problem with my Bendix 4 piston calipers? Hope not.