I like the Monte Carlo, that is a fast ride.... Then probably the lowbuck black El Crapino... Black 70 Camaro, the fathers car of the father & son team with Camaro's... I hate both of the Mustangs guys/cars, no matter the engine combos, Ford of Chevy !!, squirrel's or the guys that all have "the Short-man mentality", idiots....There also is a Blue Dart also, but haven't seen much on it yet.... The "Farm truck" is/has been a celebrity for years now... I watch it all the time, it's just merely entertainment, it's better than shows like the Kardassians, American Idol, X-Factor, CSI or any other multitude of crappy cop & lawyer shows on TV today, or some other idiot just dating or screwing someone else over today... Car shows, I watch them all, all scripted, all just merely entertainment...
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I think my definition of a street race, varies vastly from some others, even if the show is completely scripted... even the cars on trailers, doesn't bother me, I've seen that many times, guys with allot of $$$ in their cars, don't want to put un-necessary miles on them, the big a$$ lights, lighting up the whole country side, while they "street race" is a dead give away, it's just for the cameras... when did you ever see that @ a street race, other than maybe at Terminal Island, in the late 70's & mid 80's @ organized street events, closed course....