Can't promise this will work for you or saying this is the only way, this is how i go about it. This process takes time and patience.
- During the first couple of steps adjust the timing to the photos in the 4seconds flat link.
- Keep detailed notes of jet sizes, squirter sizes and cam sizes at the beginning and note how the engine performs
- Continue detailed notes including any changes to the carb and how the performance has changed.
- Adjust the idle mixture screws to obtain max intake manifold vacuum and then back of 1/8 turn every time you change the jets.
- After making some adjustments, I usually drive the car to and from work or on errands to make sure it has good street manners.
1)Get new plugs and some spares. Be certain that they are the manufacturer recommended plugs. These will be the correct heat range or very close.
2)Watch the Holley videos.
3)Drive and check plugs for primary jetting. inspect white insulator.
4)Disable secondary and drive WOT for response to determine squirter size.
5)Drive WOT and change cams for best throttle response
6)Enable secondary and make WOTs for secondary jetting inspect white insulator
7)Drive WOT for response to determine secondary squirter size. you may need to adjust the primary squirter too.
8)Drive WOT and change secondary cam for best throttle response. you may need to change the primary too.