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Syracuse parents go to court to evict 30-year-old son

My Sister and Brother-in-law have the same problem. Kid's got a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering,
doesn't have any social skills, works at Jewell food store, 40 years old, won't move out. Waiting for well-off
parents to die so he can carry on. Makes me sick. Can't do anything about it. Glad it's not my problem.
Just hope this kid in N.Y. doesn't whack his parents now!
I dunno man, I tried staying with my mom (Dad died years before) when I went through a costly, messy, emotionally draining divorce back in 1999. I only could handle one day at moms ha ha. Just couldn't handle going back. Went to a cheap weekly motel. Was mentally back together, dating and had my own place in about 6 months.
We don't want him in the military! I say ship him over seas green peace or some church deal in a 3rd world country make him really earn his keep . And cut that nasty *** hair off !
What do you mean WE dont want him. The military just might have done him a world of wonders had he went in at eighteen. The short time i served did a lot for me.
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The guy should be deported and not let back in. I saw him interviewed on fox. The guy is a total dead beat.
What do you mean WE dont want him. The military just might have done him a world of wonders had he went in at eighteen. The short time i served did a lot for me.

Well now your talking different at 18 they could of fixed him now it's to late for him .
Word of the day is entitled!
True its way to late. I think his parents should have insisted he see a physiologist years ago. This is not normal behavior.
I see that you gave me the RED X!! C'Mon Steve, be honest...I know that it is not your family from the conversations that we have had; but I would bet that you know a liberal family that is dealing with this VERY problem. BE HONEST!!! I have a cousin who fits this bill 100%.
I call him a "couch dwelling, unemployed LOSER". He is 49 years old and has lived on EVERY couch in our family BUT MINE!!! He knows that I will kick his loser *** so he avoids me. I am sorry Steve, this is what the LibTard, entitled generation has become.
I see that you gave me the RED X!! C'Mon Steve, be honest...I know that it is not your family from the conversations that we have had; but I would bet that you know a liberal family that is dealing with this VERY problem. BE HONEST!!! I have a cousin who fits this bill 100%.
I call him a "couch dwelling, unemployed LOSER". He is 49 years old and has lived on EVERY couch in our family BUT MINE!!! He knows that I will kick his loser *** so he avoids me. I am sorry Steve, this is what the LibTard, entitled generation has become.
Not nesasarily Ironbilt, I am as conservative as they come, hot rodder, own many guns, shoot, DO NOT vote for anybody that runs as a dem, want all the latinos to go the hell home, blaa, blaa blaa, you get the picture, have got my dead beat dad son living in the basement, contributes NOTHING to the household, no labor, no grocerys, no money, no NOTHING, and a year ago brought his 14 yo son to live with us too, he is 45 yo and worthless as a bucket of warm spit, so some of us gets saddled with **** that can't be helped, DAMN. Dave.
Not nesasarily Ironbilt, I am as conservative as they come, hot rodder, own many guns, shoot, DO NOT vote for anybody that runs as a dem, want all the latinos to go the hell home, blaa, blaa blaa, you get the picture, have got my dead beat dad son living in the basement, contributes NOTHING to the household, no labor, no grocerys, no money, no NOTHING, and a year ago brought his 14 yo son to live with us too, he is 45 yo and worthless as a bucket of warm spit, so some of us gets saddled with **** that can't be helped, DAMN. Dave.
Kick his worthless *** out!!!!
I see that you gave me the RED X!! C'Mon Steve, be honest...I know that it is not your family from the conversations that we have had; but I would bet that you know a liberal family that is dealing with this VERY problem. BE HONEST!!! I have a cousin who fits this bill 100%.
I call him a "couch dwelling, unemployed LOSER". He is 49 years old and has lived on EVERY couch in our family BUT MINE!!! He knows that I will kick his loser *** so he avoids me. I am sorry Steve, this is what the LibTard, entitled generation has become.
Liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrate, Trump supporter or Not, really does not have much to do with dealing with a child who becomes a adult and does not want to get a job and move out on there own. Usually parents would try and promote a agenda for children to learn independence and the satisfaction of earning money on there own. Then normal healthy young adults at some point want there privacy away from there parents. My youngest son is a Type 1 diabetic and has many low blood sugar episodes. Its a problem and when he was soon to graduate high school and go off to college, i made a really nice room for him in the attic. I wanted him to stay and live here were i could keep a eye on him. It didn't happen. He left for college his freshman year and never lived at home permanently again. In fact all my kids did pretty much the same thing.
I know Trump supporters, conservative Republicans who have adult children who seem to have missed the boat in life and live at home as well as what you say are liberals in the same situation.
The fact is i dont identify people by who they voted for or who they support.
But if you want to stereotype ok. Most hard core liberals are big on education. They want there kids educated and whatever school they attend would like to see there children apply themselves in a chosen field. They certainly dont support a stay at home deadbeat. Conservative Republicans are exactly the same way. Trump supporters i have no idea.
For the most part and while there are many exceptions parents today who are not actively involved in there children education or activities are the ones who tend to have the most problems when the time comes to motivate junior to get a job and get a life.
In my upbringing politics had nothing to do with it. Smart kids went to college. Average kids leaned a trade or became civil servants. At the least they did manual labor jobs.
Everything has changed today. Americans dont do manual labor jobs. Americans are to lazy and soft to do concrete work, roof houses, dig ditches for water mains. Even Mexicans i work with tell me there American born kids are getting lazy.
Why is that? Well my take is this, its basically Money. Greed to make more money, higher profits, pay less tax. So we outsource everything, blame unions, and now have liberals answer is send everyone to college.
So this 30 year old were talking about, do we know who his parents voted for? Does it matter? Is the young man mentally ill suffering from some kind of depression or just the laziest pos on the face of earth. I have no idea.
Oh and BTW i had a real dyed in the wool liberal tell me only minorities should do the trades jobs and manual labor, all the other young Americans are suppose to go to college and do white-collar stuff. I told him why and be some kind of I.T. geek in a bullshit dead end job like you. When i have a trade that took me more than the four years of party time college to learn and i make more money and have the ability to hustle at my trade moonlighting. But then again working a second more than 40 hours isn't in there vocabulary
Looks like a clip from a Weird Al Yankovic video.
he also reminds of weird Al
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This was on our local news last nite.......too funny how I am reading about this waste of skin on FBBO....and the very next day, I am getting the news feed!!!! This guy is now famous if we are getting it on the west coast......kick his *** out!!!!
This was on our local news last nite.......too funny how I am reading about this waste of skin on FBBO....and the very next day, I am getting the news feed!!!! This guy is now famous if we are getting it on the west coast......kick his *** out!!!!
Sounds as if fame was what he was seeking. This is 100% the fault of the parents. There are too many similar stories like this with 30yr olds still living with parents. Who allows this nonsense? I have a 20 year old who’s launching in August! No return tickets available! Lol
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