especially when you combine that with, peer pressure or
bullying, cyber ********, keyboard commandos (we all know a few)
& especially lack of
parental guidance,
lots of single parent households with little to NO good
male influences
satellite parenting, parent never involved, too damn busy
lack of interest on what their kids are watching & seeing on the -www-
ignored in every aspects of their lives,
remember the "it takes the community raise the kids"
instead of the real parents, taking care of them, teaching them right from wrong
Constantly from morning tell night, them &/or parents texting or searching -www-
fakebook or
twatter or
snatchchat or etc.,
faces buried in their god damn cell phones
addicted to games &/or millions of them on antidepressants
they don't go out & play work off the boredom (like most in our gen. did)
They don't interact with real humans on a 1 to 1 bases,
hardly ever, everything is electronic, even if in the same damn room
or the other extreme spoil the **** out of them
instead of being an actual parent, they will respect you more, from guidance
not as their best friend, that can come when they are an adult
young minds need attention & molding, actual parenting skills