Well sir, it was about 111 or so here today. Gonna cool down to under the 110’s next week. I’ve worked in 110 with that humidity before. I’ll take the dry heat anytime.
Well sir, it was about 111 or so here today. Gonna cool down to under the 110’s next week. I’ve worked in 110 with that humidity before. I’ll take the dry heat anytime.
We've been lucky humidity is down to around 30%. Normally it's above 70% but we haven't had rain in over 30 days.Well sir, it was about 111 or so here today. Gonna cool down to under the 110’s next week. I’ve worked in 110 with that humidity before. I’ll take the dry heat anytime.
Yes most people will acclimate to colder temps over time. I did when I moved to Iowa, but cold is cold and hot is hot with or without humidity.As strange as it sounds, you do acclimate to the heat. Do people acclimate to the cold in the same manner?
I've worked and played outside in this.....
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Low humidity though.
I've been in Arizona heat as well. I landed at Sky Harbor one night at 11:30 and it was 94 degrees. That is really weird to feel such heat when it is dark.
Ahh you haven't lived till your 75ft up a pole in NW iowa in JanuaryI can take the cold better than heat. It has to be colder than -10 before I say no to snowmobiling. I have snowmobiled in -30 before, thats too cold for me. As far as working outside I love 20 - 40 for yard work.
You must be at Carlisle. It always feels like that for the Chrysler show. LOL.