Here's how I'd look at it, and you seem like a fairly logical guy too, but it seems to me you can afford to buy the dream car and keep the Hemi too, in your current situation, correct? I am considering this statement above, but bear with me. So let's say you buy them both, a car purchase isn't going to affect your decision or finances to retire, if you are that close on money, retirement wouldn't be an option. So think about this, buy the dream car, keep the hemi too, drive them both, experience them simultaneously, and when finances in retirement force you to make a decision to sell one, you'll have a clearer head as to which one to liquidate, not to mention they will have appreciated in value further reinforcing the decision and actually bolstering retirement financial totals in the end. None of my business, and just my opinion. Good luck whichever way you go and I hope I find myself in this situation at some point in my life, too.