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Things we can't do anymore......


Banned Henchman #27
Staff member
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
2:33 PM
Dec 4, 2009
Reaction score
Pasadena, Texas
In the mid 60's a buddy and I use to mow yards for spending money. One of the things we liked to do was go to the local small airport on our bicycles and find someone that was willing to take us up and there usually was someone around that would if we paid for the gas. Our parents never knew about it either lol. In 65, I was 14 and my friend was 13. He went on to get his pilot's license but I never did....try that one now a days. It didn't happen all that often since mowing a standard 1/4 acre yard with a small house on it only paid 16 bits.....

I can think of a lot more like we can't ride in the back of a pickup anymore for one....list what's on your mind.
Just noticed the other day.......around here anyways , I never see paper boys/girls delivering papers any more.

I had a route for a few years growing up, made pretty good spending money.
Around here our daily newspapers are delivered by adults driving cars. I figure that they must be large routes that pay pretty well in order for them to be able to buy our high gas prices.
Another thing we can't do anymore is burn leaves in the Fall.
I can't benchpress 300LBS anymore, actually i'm just not game to attempt it again at my age.
No rules against you trying.....:D

Use to like going to the 'big' airport and going up on the deck over the terminal and watch the planes come and go.
I hear ya on the lifting. Hurt my back a few years back training for the Powerlifting Worlds so I can't Squat 600lbs or Deadlift 600lbs anymore. Heck I can't even get my 400 bench now. I am a big "USE TA WAS"

I don't know all the details but heard the paper co. wont let young kids do paper routes anymore. I think it is crap!

I was just talking about not being able to ride in the bed of trucks anymore. I used to love that as a kid. I live in a small town so I let my boys ride in the bed on short trips around town. I figured it is something that all boys should do in their lives.
I had a paper route as a kid too..We rarely buy a paper ourselves anymore...There used to be a place right outside of town were the locals used to drag race...The cops knew what was going on and pretty much left us alone...Those days are gone...Now it,s 2 hours to the local track..Used to be you saw lots of signs for politicians running for office in front yards...Sure their are a few now...They would rather spend the money on tv ads nowadays...I,m getting really tired of the he said she said campain ads on the tube now...I think they all should be shot!!!
Petty Blue 67 GTX
I used to mow lawns back in the 80's for a friends grandfather's operation. I made $10/hour, friend made $12 and grandpa made some as well. Damn good money for the 80's.

I think he got $40 for 1/2 acre or smaller and $60 for larger.

My friend did the edging/ weed eating, while me and usually one other friend did the mowing. never took longer than a hour to finish a yard.

Worst case- $40 in, $32 out, and grandpa made $8 for doing nothing.
He did provide the mowers and truck, but all had been paid for a long time ago.

There was enough work to keep us busy all day, all week.
In todays litigeous society wha tare the odds tha tthe following things would have never gotten off the ground due to liability?




Swimming pools

heck, cars....
When I was 9, I could truck down to 7-11 on my bike, & with my dollar allowance get a comic book, a candy bar & a small Slurpee.
When I was a kid, we could buy spray paint to customize (in our eyes anyway) our bikes. Now I'm 46, and get I.D.'ed.
I was just talking about not being able to ride in the bed of trucks anymore. I used to love that as a kid. I live in a small town so I let my boys ride in the bed on short trips around town. I figured it is something that all boys should do in their lives.

My wife and I were walking the other night and I saw some high school guys riding through our neighborhood in the back of a pick-up truck. I was thinking at the time how much fun I had doing that, and that it's been a long time since I've seen it happen around here. Seat belt laws stopped it I suppose.
I remember going into the store and giving the money to buy gas and cigerettes for my uncle when I was 8.
I was a yard mowing fool back in the 60's. My dad needed to buy a pickup for work because my sister graduated from high school and found a job and needed a car and dad was tearing up the 63 Dart with all of his construction tools etc so she got the Dart and dad borrowed 200 bucks from me for a down payment on a brand new 1965 Chevy. Only thing it had was a heater and heavy duty rear springs and clutch for 1800 bucks. He paid me back in a couple of months and 14 months later, he helped my sister buy a new but a demo 66 Belvedere which I ended up with in the summer of 69 when I graduated. Like my sister, I paid for half of what the car was worth. We went through some rough times up until about late 65 and me mowing lawns sure helped when needed but I miss those days. All of this safety crap on a mower now sucks plus it adds a lot to the price and it's not just a mower that's full of safety crap. And has it really done much good? Morons continue to hurt and maim themselves but it's costing us for more and more 'safety' so we don't keep hurting ourselves. Can we say Nanny State?!

Do y'all realize that this is what socialism is all about? You get ID'ed for everything you do now and the liberals bitch because we're trying to ID illegals that want in on the dole. It's only going to get worse as time goes on and the Nanny State will only expand.....and no, I didn't think about making this particular post when I started this thread but it really got me to thinking about it all. Don't know about in your area but all who mow yards here now are illegals. I have a border patrol ball cap and you should see what they do when I walk up LOL. Many just dropped what they're doing and run!
Use to sit on the porch with dad and watch the cars go by when I was younger, and once in a blue moon he would let me have a beer. Thought I was cool like dad. Now he would be tossed in jail for child endangerment and contibuting to a minor
I have a neighbor who mows her yard with a riding mower barefoot and has her 1 year old baby in her arms while doing it. To me, that's child endangerment. You can clearly see the kid isn't happy with it. The baby isn't crying but he sure don't look happy one bit. She's married to a guy who works shift work and she doesn't have to do it because he will.

Will, are you a raging alky now because of that? At least you were old enough to have a say in it. I can only imagine what kind of damage to this kid's ears is taking place. That mower is pretty loud too and I bet it's at least 80db....
Used to date 16 year olds when i was 18 on not go to jail
Smoke pot, lift weights,fit into 34 waist size,buy a running driving muscle car for less 10g's. I also used to ride over the hill to the stop and go and buy my Dad smokes at 10 years old. Riding in the back of a pick up is or was the ****! I have witnessed multiple morons mowing with kids on there lap.
How about riding a bike withiout a helmet? I mean a bicycle. We would have got called the biggest wuss and got our *** kicked for waring a helmet on a bike. I really miss the reefer.
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