There is an enormous parcel of property near me that has the "Flywheelers" club.
It's basically a big sandbox (literally), where members can store and operate their vintage farm, industrial, and construction equipment.
There's an area where you can scoop and load/unload sand with loaders, and dump trucks, and there's even an area where a couple members are storing mining railroad equipment and starting to lay tracks!
There are many large barns, which each house a "faction" of members- there a "JD" barn, an "IH", barn, a "Ford" barn, etc.
At least once a year they have an open house and swap meet.
VERY interesting. So large I doubt you could walk it in one day.
All sorts of stuff pressed into service for transportation- from golf carts to vintage lawn mowers, garden and full size tractors, steam powered vehicles, you name it.
Looking for a 60's six wheel ATV? It's there.
40's dirt track car? It's there.
I posted some pics a couple years ago.