I'm always very suspicious when I hear these cops-out-of-control stories that are wayyyy over the top because 99.9% of the time you're hearing a rendering of the facts that is tailored to elicit a specific response. I've been following this story for a couple of weeks now, and I can't help but notice that one key element is missing: why the guy was suspected of having concealed narcotics. I keep seeing stuff like "Though it is unclear why, the officers with the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Department suspected the driver of possessing drugs".
I've worked in law enforcement, and at a sheriff's office, and with drug dogs, and drug dogs are not routinely deployed to check out random drivers at traffic stops. What my guess is once the whole story comes out, we'll discover this wasn't some Joe Sixpack guy who out minding his own business and had a spotless record being checked out, but someone with a history of narcotics violations including a history of hiding drugs up his ***. Of course, by the time this part of the story comes out the fervor of what happened will have passed and everyone will have moved on to the next story, and the fact that the cops had a lot of good reasons to suspect this guy was a mule, and not just the way he had his but cheeks clenched, will be a bit relegated to the bottom of page 20 of the Style section of the papers.