I love Europe, but would not want to live there - again. I lived in Germany for 2.5 years while in the service. I had great duty and lived directly in a small community the entire time with limited contact with military bases / posts. Lived most of the time in civilian housing, shopped locally, partied locally, most of my friends were German, and eventually married a local girl - who I am still with to this day. I learned to speak German out of necessity and became very much a part of the community. However, after a few years I just had to return to the US. We have gone back countless times over the decades to visit and I have enjoyed every return trip. While there was much to love about the country and Europe in general, it is not the US. The lack of freedom is very evident in all aspects of life. This is not to say that Europe is not free, it is just the degrees in which the government imposes on your life. Taxes are very high and the government over regulation and it pays for is everywhere. Germany gave me my first hand exposures to socialized medicine and believe me it is not good. I could see decades ago the slipery slope that Europe was on with its trend into socialism. We watched and talked about it for the past 35 years as it all headed towards the mess that has unfolded today. Fortunately Germany had a couple of good systemic "structures" built in to its culture that has helped it more than the rest of Europe. The German people are quite "frugal" and the apprenticship education system has helped it retain some degree of jobs for people. The country also regained some sense a few years back and started pulling itself back away from many socialist systems.
In short I love the country, love the food, love the beer, I am always intrigued at the ancient history of the land. They have many good systems that we should adopt (try suing someone over there for spilled coffee burns or self inflicted injuries), a pay as you go culture and for the native Germans, a true pride in their country and culture. While the Germans are beginning to realize that the socialist system they embarked on 40 years ago did not work and are trying to step back from the brink, our country seems to be running full speed towards everything we see that didn't work in Europe.