This has been an informative thread. (I have been tig welding for 30 years.) When a beginner starts learning on 18 gauge with a gap I fully understand the frustration.
I have many hundreds of hours of butt welding .030 material and the truth is any gap makes welding very tough and slow. I prefer .030 tung. and a machine that can give an arc power that can melt the edge of the metal without melting back. From that point of arc control and a foot control --with filler material in hand it gets done.
Good close fit and or a back up of copper or alum. really helps.
I have many hundreds of hours of butt welding .030 material and the truth is any gap makes welding very tough and slow. I prefer .030 tung. and a machine that can give an arc power that can melt the edge of the metal without melting back. From that point of arc control and a foot control --with filler material in hand it gets done.
Good close fit and or a back up of copper or alum. really helps.