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Tim's China Rant

in fact try this scenario
trump gets elected and immediately shuts china off,
starts trying to rebuild the country.
china says okay no problem.
calls in our Debt.
what then?

Tell them to pack sand. Sue them for all the poisoned/dangerous crap they ship here.
Here`s something that was made in the USA...the Fort Worth plant has been operational for 3 1/2 years.
Now, I wonder how many hypocrites on this thread are running Chinese rods and cranks in their engines?
What rods and cranks are made in the USA and I'm talking about 100% American made which would include the material, not just the machining? A quick check on the internet of Eagle, Callies, 440 Source and Crower yielded little but none of them addressed where they get their material from, even though some said they were "Made in the USA". Only one used the term "our foundry" but did not say where their foundry was. It's not really made in the USA if it's made from Chinese steel.
Seriously, I'm not criticizing anybody, I just think when it comes to speed equipment, you can't be absolutely sure.
The reason the own the debt - in the form of bonds- is because the USA is the safest market in the world. If they liquidated where else are they going to put it. All is not as it appears...
What rods and cranks are made in the USA and I'm talking about 100% American made which would include the material, not just the machining? A quick check on the internet of Eagle, Callies, 440 Source and Crower yielded little but none of them addressed where they get their material from, even though some said they were "Made in the USA". Only one used the term "our foundry" but did not say where their foundry was. It's not really made in the USA if it's made from Chinese steel.
Seriously, I'm not criticizing anybody, I just think when it comes to speed equipment, you can't be absolutely sure.

I've worked on some rotating assemblies from China i can tell you this. They can't machine cranks & rods for ****. A lot of those you listed are made in China, then machined here. my .02
What rods and cranks are made in the USA and I'm talking about 100% American made which would include the material, not just the machining? A quick check on the internet of Eagle, Callies, 440 Source and Crower yielded little but none of them addressed where they get their material from, even though some said they were "Made in the USA". Only one used the term "our foundry" but did not say where their foundry was. It's not really made in the USA if it's made from Chinese steel.
Seriously, I'm not criticizing anybody, I just think when it comes to speed equipment, you can't be absolutely sure.

As far as I know, only high end/ high cost stuff, and old factory parts are/were 100% made here. Actually calling manufacturers and asking might help (if they're honest).

When I was putting my motor together, the full American made stuff wasn't an affordable option. So I supported my local machine shop by having the factory stuff reconditioned. That money stayed here and grew the local economy.

How is a domestic manufacturer supposed to compete if we keep buying the cheap crap that China sh*ts out onto our shores?
well, the 1% of this country want profits, no matter what the cost on the rest of us, China will build your corporation a factory, a road TO the factory and millions of employees that you dont have to pay. Im not to sure how savy you gents are, but many factories in China have their employees sign 3 or 5 yr contracts on wages...get this, the company houses you, feeds you 3 square meals, and at the end of three years of labor, you get paid!...yep this is real.

as far as the Chinese engine parts....guess what most US rod and crankshaft manufactures have to buy their metal from guess who...yup China...they can buy in such a huge volume the US cant compete because our manufacturing is so weak.

im not competing in serious competition with my toys...so spending 3000$ on a crank doesn't even cross my mind...440source parts will do just fine for 500-600HP.

to change this course, the corporations of this company would have to take the high road, and start bringing their manufacturing back to the US, but then labor goes up through the roof, and the 1% dont get their profits...no good for them, cuz we want to get paid every week, not every 3 to 5 yrs.

hate to break it to you guys, but cherry picking you car parts and household in most case is just going to get you broke faster, or at best make you sleep better at night. IMO this has to start from the top down.
hate to break it to you guys, but cherry picking you car parts and household in most case is just going to get you broke faster, or at best make you sleep better at night. IMO this has to start from the top down.
But I don't mind sleeping better at night. And if I can help the local shop stay in business a little longer, then they'll be there to help me next year too.
Good luck finding a cell phone or computer that is USA made with all US parts. They are manufactured in China, Korea, Taiwan, Mongolia, India, Indonesia and Brazil, Japan, Mexico, Germany etc. Some are assembled here but most of the parts are manufactured elsewhere. Some claim to be manufactured in the US but it is a deceptive marketing ploy to confuse customers.
As of Oct 1 1994 The window sticker or domestic content label on new cars are mandated by law to show the percentage and origin of parts and where the the vehicle is assembled and where the motor and transmission are built. Most people don't know this and think they are buying an 100% American made car. The sad truth is that almost everything is made somewhere other than here.
That is why I have old cars and have an older house filled with antiques because new **** sucks. I might not have the newest version of whatever but what I have will last a lot longer than I will.
I can't say the same for my cheap over seas electronic junk.
Only thing in my engine that was made off shore are my Moroso knock off Valve Covers.Moroso=$800.Chin knock off,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,$175 shipped to my door.My Simpson racing suit made in US,the shoes,gloves & neckbrace all overseas.NOBODY makes them here anymore.

1.19.13 026.jpg
It is a complex issue. I saw a decent list a few weeks ago (I'll try to find the link and post it) that rated the most "American" cars. It included the percentage of parts made here, if it was manufactured here, AND where the profits go (I don't know how they generated their algorithm though). If I remember correctly, a couple of Buicks were the most American cars with near 90% scores. Surprisingly, a Honda Accord was in the top 5. I have NEVER owned anything other than an American car. My thought was it also mattered that the profits stayed in the US. But it is hard to argue with a Honda that has given many Americans a decent job building it AND used a lot of American made parts.

Like it or not, it is a global economy. Where American made parts are well built I will buy American every time. I try also to support local small businesses too, rather than the big box companies (but that's another story). But I hate to say it, some of the American made stuff is crap too. Jamie Passon has been trying to build an all American made 5 speed. He has struggled to get American made parts. A bunch of input shafts he had made were all crap and he refused to build transmissions with them. He's taken a lot of **** for his delays, but he has had a hell of a lot of trouble finding good quality hard parts made in the USA to his specs.

So my thoughts are as follows: Buy American when you can, and as much as possible. If you are part of the manufacturing cycle, then be proud of what you do and how you do it. Build stuff right. If we have an entitlement attitude and want high pay for shitty work we will lose. On the other hand, if we build stuff with American ingenuity and true quality, I think it will win out in the end.
Now, I wonder how many hypocrites on this thread are running Chinese rods and cranks in their engines?

I had a Eagle crank in my car for years with no issues going 8.90's.
When i upgraded to a bigger hemi, i did switch to a Callies Magnum
But my 63 Plymouth still has a Eagle Crank and eagle Rods going on 10 years now. Going 9.90's.

Going forward i would never buy anything Chinese since their parts have changed for the worse.
What rods and cranks are made in the USA and I'm talking about 100% American made which would include the material, not just the machining? A quick check on the internet of Eagle, Callies, 440 Source and Crower yielded little but none of them addressed where they get their material from, even though some said they were "Made in the USA". Only one used the term "our foundry" but did not say where their foundry was. It's not really made in the USA if it's made from Chinese steel.
Seriously, I'm not criticizing anybody, I just think when it comes to speed equipment, you can't be absolutely sure.

Yes you can....it costs about double. ASK where the forgings come from. All my stuff is older, and was shopped for origin.
The phrase "Global economy" IS war; don't be fooled just because troops aren't deployed and no bombs fly.

My new supervisor had his own business
largely dealing with installing new and remanfacturing Mitsubishi manufactured equipment in high volume publication printing.
When Mitsu got caught leaking "silent screw" submarine technology to the Russians , they couldn't sell squat!
Nothing left but refurb business.

Guess who lost his business?
Not Mr Mitsubishi!
(The mechanics at the local Chrysler Plymouth dealership where I grew up called these cars Mr. Bitchy.)
I have been to the huge Mitsubishi factory complex in Nagoya, and they had money to BURN, by appearances, that city looked nothing like Allentown, Gary,Youngstown, Camden, Detroit.
I'll gladly die patching American made products before I surrender.
An interesting comment. The Japanese where able to rebuild there country by American contribution.
Chinese metallurgy vs American metallurgy

Wheel bearings and races. Replace Chinese bearings every 2-3 years.

Replace American wheel bearings once or twice a lifetime.

Don't get me started on u-joints...

I dread the day that I HAVE TO go to the junkyard to find a wheel bearing that will last.

If you don't buy American for anything else, AT LEAST support U.S. made bearing manufacturers. It's worth your time and money.
Seem some of US are far less hypocritical & actually try to source parts
"Made & Assembled/Produced in the USA"

some people will always be price point shoppers,
some people don't care or want to take the extra time
&/or $$$'s necessary to build with & keep our American {North American @ a min.}
businesses our neighbors, local businesses, local industry, foundries etc. etc. etc.,
working or still be able to be profitable...

Some people are just lazy too, to spend the extra time or effort needed,
to actually do some minor research where & who their parts actually come from,
it takes more effort & time...

Yes some stuff has components or raw materials from other countries,
because our foundries & metal companies have been driven out, nonexistent now/closed
because of price & cheapskate price-point shoppers, some really seemingly don't care either,
that would rather have a cheap priced part, than quality or "made in the USA",
tell me I'm wrong, than your the one that is wrong, there's a ton of research done...
Some companies too, fall in that far bigger profit, less care for quality or greed category too,
all for the sake of making an extra nickel on some part...

But it's worth it for your neighbors, your city, your state, your community,
ultimately your children & even grandchildren, for our industry & our economy etc...

IMO Anything else is just another lame excuse !!
I know it's extremely hard, because I actually do try, some stuff it's near impossible too,
extremely time consuming too, taxing/draining in some efforts, but at-least make the attempt,
to try & buy American, not just the cheapest price point BS...
It's better for all of US...

Some of the companies that have been accused of using/selling Chinese/foreign junk,
actually offer "Made in the USA" products too, usually for a bit more money,
but most cheapskates are too cheap to do so, even for a few $$$'s more, it's sad really
but than bitch & whine when parts fail, blame the company, when it's all on them for being
cheap a$$'s...

In some way that's why the companies end up being forced into or to
sell/offer inferior Chinese made crap...
Supply & demand, economics...
Seemingly to keep at-least some clientèle & the doors open
& employees paid, or off the welfare or unemployment lines etc...

Make an honest effort, that's all we ask...
That's not being hypocritical, it's being smart & loyal...

Make your voices heard, just don't buy the cheap crap...

OK off my soapbox for now...
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