Well-Known Member
Just wondering where or what happend to cousin it ....hes usually alot more active
i know he just got a javelin but that's no reason to get banned. A chevy maybe.
Grilled Delmonico Steaks will be needed for Tpodwdog ....
I dont get the steak thing, can someone explain?...LOL
So, is there a 'score card' somewhere that a member can keep track of?? Is this site starting to beome a Moparts Jr? :tied up:Oh crap, I think I just earned a demerit!
What is the process on getting banned? Are there certain rules that gets you banned immediatly or is it a culmination of breaking several rules over a period of time that does the trick? Just wondering. Are you warned first, cause sometimes people can take a joke the wrong way.
Nobody really gets banned with no warning, unless it's spam, or someone comes to this forum to cause trouble.
I try to give a warning first. It's a accumulation of points over a matter of time. 21 points, and it's vacation time.
I know he just got a Javelin but that's no reason to get banned. A Chevy maybe.