2017 I was at Bowling Green NMCA race. Went to put the car in the trailer and the starter didn't engage. It was late, dark, and we had eliminations the next day. So my wife held the flashlight and I dug into pulling a header tube and swapping the starter. Got it all swapped, no go. I thought for some reason a tooth on the ring gear got messed up. Moved the crank and it started. Next morning in line for eliminations it happened again. Dejected I missed 1st round. Now in the daylight we get the car jacked up. First I saw a small nick in the access cutout in the bottom of the bell housing. Um, never saw that before. Then noticed one header tube dented and another nearly cut in half. Looking into the bell housing 25% of the ring gear was gone. Never heard or felt anything. Not a scratch inside the bell housing. Where and when in the run did it come loose? Don't know. Fast forward to this years NMCA race at Bowling Green. This is even more bizarre. I see an Oldsmobile come back from a pass. The drivers window is shattered. The driver has been clipped by something. He looks in the car and finds a Mopar starter bendix on the back floor. The Dart in the left lane had busted the ring gear. It jammed into the starter breaking the nose off. The starter bendix flew out, bounced off the track and thru the drivers window. Fortunately the Olds driver had a full face helmet.