yes charger is sold, but allowed me to reinvest in more cars
yes against trunk with another 2x4 or similar that fits the underneath of the trunk lid properly on top of bottle jack paying close attention not to damage anything THIS IS SURGERY, it can come out good but if your not paying close attention, and know when to stop, it could be bad
center meaning the lowest part of the lid that needs raised, if its the whole thing the stay an inch or two back from each side of the area to be raised.
typo 8" that is if the area to be raised is say 12" or if its the whole deck lid follow the follow previous sentence above.
yes don't bend it beyond where it needs to sit to be flush, I would try it a little, release pressure metal will bounce back, observe where its moving to and adjust as necessary.
push it up to align the trunk lid to the deck. you may be not able to go all the way, you may have to hold the sides down with something from above and it may change your side reveals
I did this procedure with both of my rear quarters on my charger to align the sides up with the trunk lid, worked very well. a little at a time or you'll f it up.
Good luck, go slow thats what she said.