This is becoming a long and expensive saga. Started out with noticing stopping power had gotten really sluggish in the car that had 100% of the brake system replaced 20 years ago. Just about the only used item was a booster I picked up. I installed brakes from the Praise Dyno Brake outfit back then which may or may not have become Muscle Car Brakes.
From a vacuum test, that I now suspect of being a bogus test method, I thought the booster had gone bad. I had the booster rebuilt by Harmon and reinstalled and no improvement.
Finally looked in brake master and the rear bowl was clear but the back bowl was brown, rusty mud. Tried to clean it out and the ports had been blocked to the front so no front brakes at all. Bought a new casting, correct style master and installed it after bench bleeding. Flushed the lines, got good clean fluid at all wheel cylinders and no leaks and firm pedal. Adjusted all wheels. Better breaking but still feels weak, especially compared to my 66 Satellite with the same 11” brakes, but no PB, and it stops very, very well. But I have no idea what brake shoes the PO put on it.
All lines are new, hoses were replaced, wheel cylinders were replaced. The Praise Dyno linings got roasted back 20 years ago due to not enough return of the Master Cylinder push rod. After figuring that out and adjusting I found some of the shoes were cracked. Praise Dyno said it wouldn’t hurt anything but now I’m not so sure.
So my next step would seem to be to try some new 11” shoes, but what type and brand? This is a cruiser and doesn’t get any severe use. I want a good shoe that works well cold and warm and I’m not sure if that should be organic or ceramics at this point.
Any suggestions?
From a vacuum test, that I now suspect of being a bogus test method, I thought the booster had gone bad. I had the booster rebuilt by Harmon and reinstalled and no improvement.
Finally looked in brake master and the rear bowl was clear but the back bowl was brown, rusty mud. Tried to clean it out and the ports had been blocked to the front so no front brakes at all. Bought a new casting, correct style master and installed it after bench bleeding. Flushed the lines, got good clean fluid at all wheel cylinders and no leaks and firm pedal. Adjusted all wheels. Better breaking but still feels weak, especially compared to my 66 Satellite with the same 11” brakes, but no PB, and it stops very, very well. But I have no idea what brake shoes the PO put on it.
All lines are new, hoses were replaced, wheel cylinders were replaced. The Praise Dyno linings got roasted back 20 years ago due to not enough return of the Master Cylinder push rod. After figuring that out and adjusting I found some of the shoes were cracked. Praise Dyno said it wouldn’t hurt anything but now I’m not so sure.
So my next step would seem to be to try some new 11” shoes, but what type and brand? This is a cruiser and doesn’t get any severe use. I want a good shoe that works well cold and warm and I’m not sure if that should be organic or ceramics at this point.
Any suggestions?